b'131999 MAPSEARLY COLONIAL FURNITURE IN NEW SOUTH WALES AND VAN DIEMENS LAND By Clifford Craig, Kevin Fahy1007And Graeme Robertson. [Melbourne, 1980], with original pictorial dust jacket. Good firm copy. WILLIAM DAMPIER$120200Carte ou est marquee de route que le Cap.e Dampier tint dans son Voyage depuis Timor autour de la Nouv. Bretagne I.,hand-coloured copper engraving, 1730; overall 18.5 x 40.5cm.1000 The map shows the route of Dampiers voyage in the HMS HAROLD PAYNTING & MALCOLM GRANT, Roebuck in 1699 from Timor, through the Spice Islands Wheels in Victoria 18924 - 1984, (Moluccas) and along the northern coast of Papua New Guinea signed limited edition #1111/4000 in original slipcase. to New Britain. The first British scientific expedition to the $200300region, it gathered important data on the flora and fauna of Australia and New Guinea.1001 $300500 SOTHEBYS AUSTRALIA 1984 - 2010 auction catalogues, including 1984 Early Australian Colonial Books and1008Paintings, 1989 Important Australian Colonial FurnitureEmanuel BOWEN (1694-1767),and Works of Art, Moss Vale, 1993 The Lord McAlpineA Map of the Discoveries Made by Captn. Willm. Dampier Collection of Australian Furniture, 1994 The Dr Clifford Craigin the Roebuck in 1699,Collection, 1995 The Peter Thiessen Collection, Hobart,copper engraving, hand-coloured,1996 The Kurt Albrecht Collection of Australian Silver, Goldpublished by John Harris, 1744,and Jewellery, 2002 The Collection of Dr Kenneth Neale andimage size 20x32cm.Others plus several others. (Total: 12). Shows mainly New Guinea, New Britain and Timor. The text $120200is quite alarming The inhabitants are generally speaking Blacks, but there is a Nation of Whites seated in one part of it 1002 whom some have suspected to be a remnant of the Ten Tribes NINETEENTH CENTURY AUSTRALIAN FURNITURE, byof Israel, who were carried into captivity by the Assyrians. Fahy, Simpson and Simpson [Syd. 1985] limited edition ofthe inhabitants of the Moluccas are known to trade with the 2000 copies, with dust jacket (faded on spine), black clothpeople of this Country for Gold and Spices which sufficiently boards with gilt title. Good firm copy. demonstrates that it is well worth the discovering.$250350$200300 1003 1009HAROLD PAYNTING & MALCOLM GRANT, ALEXANDER HOGG,Victoria Illustrated 1834 - 1984, A Chart of Capn Carterets Discoveries at NEW BRITAIN, limited edition #3776/6000 in original slipcase. with part of Captn Cooks Passage thro ENDEAVOUR also, 2 small antique English books. (3 items). STREIGHTS, & of Captn Dampiers Tract & Discoveries in $1001501699 & 1700, at NEW GUINEA & New BRITAIN,hand-coloured copper engraving, London, 1784; published in Andersons Voyages. Overall 21 x 27.5cm.1004 $200300 AUSTRALIAN QUILT HERITAGE. Two publications by Dr. Annette Gero, both rare and out of print (2) 1010$120200ALEXANDER HOGG,Chart of the Society Isles discovered by Captn Cook 1769,1005 hand-coloured copper engraving, circa 1786,LIN BLOOMFIELD, 22 x 35cm.The Complete Etchings of Norman Lindsay, $100150 [Sydney : Odana Editions & Josef Lebovic, 1998], Large 4to. 480pp. with numerous monochrome illustrations.1011Original full burgundy leather in publishers slipcase. LimitedE. DUSSY ,signed de luxe edition of being 299/550 copies (500 forCarte dune Partie de la Carte de Dampier depuis le Cap de sale). Includes a hand-numbered facsimile limited edition ofBonne Esperance jusqua la Nouvelle Bretagne,The Artist etching by Lindsay, with blindstamp, as well ascopper engraving, hand-coloured, 1787,a Certificate of Authenticity for the etching, signed by Linfrom Philippe de Pretots Atlas Universelle,Bloomfield and a representative from the Lindsay family.18.5 x 28cm (plate).The book itself is signed by Bloomfield and Helen Glad, Lindsays grand-daughter. $100150 $600800 10121006 Asia by Stockdale, Dublin (1800); Mappa Mondo in Two Melbourne prints, ALBERT PARK LAGOON,due Emisferi by Batelli e Fanfani, Milano (1820) and a and ST. KILDA FROM KENNYS BATH, part map showing Australia and Asia with the heading 24 x 48cm and 31 x 35cm each overall (2) Remarks on the Variation Lines &c. probably late 1790s. $60100(3 items; all with defects).$100200 '