b'1181009C POSTAL HISTORY: 1945 (Dec.23) cover (19x26cm) addressed to Marine Section, B.B.C.A.U. (British Borneo Civil Affairs Unit), Labuan, with BMA Overprints on North Borneo to $1 (ex 8c) and on Sarawak to $1 (ex 8c), tied by multiple strikes of linotype KUALA BELAIT/23/DEC.1945 datestamps, endorsed Certified First Issue/TG Marshall Major over a weak strike of circular MILITARY GOVERNOR/BRITISH BORNEO handstamp, cover with central horizontal fold. $100150Ceylon1010** * 1938-49 (SG.386-397) KGVI 2c to 5r with all Changes of Perf, plus Sideways & Upright Watermark varieties; some stamps unmounted. A most challenging assembly, Cat. 1500+. (35) .$500750China1011* 0 Range on album pages, (100s). .$100200Christmas Island101310121012PC 1906 postcard from Glasgow, Scotland bearing 1d Edward; addressed to Master R. Darling, Christmas Islands, Straits Settlements via Singapore with double circle PENANG TO SINGAPORE/JA12/1907 marine-sorter cds and CHRISTMAS ISLAND/JA21/1907/+ (Proud Type B) arrival cds. .$500750Cook Islands1013* 1936-44 (between SG.116 & 123) Overprint selection comprising 2/- & 3/- Admirals (SG.116-17), 1 Cowan Paper Arms (SG.121) & 3 Wiggins Teape Paper Arms (SG.123b), fine mint, Cat. 600. .$3004001014** 1920 (SG.73 var.) Rarotonga 3d Palm Tree, No wmk., horizontal pair perf.14, imperforate vertically between the 2 units, (2), MUH $100150Cyprus1015* O 1894-1960 collection, mostly mint with QV 1894-92 to 45pi, KEVII 1902-04 4pi, 6pi & 12pi, 1904-10 to 45pi plus few used incl.12pi & 18pi, KGV 1912-15 to 18pi mint plus used 45pi, 1921-23 to 45pi (2), 1928 50th Anniversary to 1, 1934 to 45pi, 1938-51 KGVI to 1, QEII 1955-60 to 1; condition varies, Cat. 2500+. (140). .$8001,000ImagesLot numbers in black indicate lots not illustrated in this catalogue but which are available online at www.leski.com.au'