b'53Ex 511511PC VICTORIA - CENTRAL & SOUTH EAST: Postcards featuring street views with much business signage, early motorised buses in Healesville, Cathedral Mount from Mount Gorden, Quick March State School, Mayer Chalet in Warburton, settlers posing with their huts and encampments, Seymour, Rushworth, Heathcote, Fernshaw, Marysville, Narbethong, Bonnie Doon, Alexandra, Yarra Junction, Drouin, Yallorn, etc. (Total: 85; 42 unused; 43 used) $300350Ex 512512PC VICTORIA - NORTHERN: A range including the Echuca Sluicing Works, Swan Hill river traffic, Euroa Butter Factory, Mildura, Rochester, Tatura, Kyabram, Cobram, Kerang, Koondrook, Beechworth, Rutherglen, Yackandandah, etc. Publishers/photographers incl. G.H.Smith, F.Foxcroft, W.Hine, J.Fletcher, F&V, P.J.Cadusch, Semco, Wendel, Colliver, Aug. Muller, F.W.Scott, etc. (Total: 53; 25 unused; 28 used).$200250ImagesLot numbers in black indicate lots not illustrated in this catalogue but which are available online at www.leski.com.au'