b'81779PS 1911-12 (BW:LC10/142A) 1d KGV Full-Face Design Perf.10 on Grey Surfaced Card, September 1912 Printing in black, Zoo, Adelaide, SA illustration, unused, Cat $175. $80100780PS 1911-12 1d Full-Face Design perf.10 on white card with cream interior Mosman Bay - Sydney in sepia, fine unused, (BW:LC11/77); 1913-14 1d Kangaroo Design Die 2 perf.10 on greenish-grey card, Ballarat (2) one in purple-black, the other in brown, both with some storage-related tone banding, otherwise fine (BW:LC16/8) also KGV 1914-18 1d KGV perf.12 on grey surfaced card Circular Quay, Sydney, faint tone-banding, unused (BW:LC18/34A); total Cat. $675. (4) $200250781PS Attractive group, all Unused except where noted; comprising LC13 Giant Red Gum, Vic. / Queens Gardens Perth W.A. CTO; LC14 Botanic Gardens, Portland, Vic.; LC21 Avon River, York W.A. (2, different colours); LC21 Harvesting, Tamworth N.S.W.; LC21 Waterfall Gully Adelaide (2, different colours); LC22 Mt.Buffalo, Victoria. Mainly fine. (8). Cat.$1200. .$300400782PS 1911 1d + 1d Full-Face Design Reply Lettercard, Giant Red Gum,Vic and Queens Gardens Perth, WA illustrations, in olive-green, fine unused; BW:LC13. $120150783PS 1911 1d + 1d Full-Face Design Reply Lettercard, reply halves (2) comprising unused with Queens Gardens, Perth, W.A. illustration; also Viaduct near Adelaide, S.A. (corner fault) postally used in 1911 from Moonta (SA) to Wallaroo Mines (SA); BW:LC13 - Cat. $1000+.$300500784PS DIVIDED REPLY LETTERCARD::1917 (BW:LC29/133) KGV 1d Outward Half with obliterating bars through REPLY, zig-zag rouletted 15, Town Hall, Sydney illustration, 1917 (Sept.14) FU, Cat $400. .$200250785PS Attractive group, all Unused except where noted; comprising LC42 Hawkesbury River N.S.W. CTO (tiny scrape); LC45 G.P.O. HOBART CTO (some foxing); LC54 Gibberabong Creek N.S.W.; LC58 1d red, rounded corners; LC58b 1d red, squared corners; LC61; LC62; LC63 & LC64. Mainly fine. (9). Cat.$1125. $200300786PS 1922-23 (BW:LC49/128B) 2d Red KGV Sideface perf.12 on Unsurfaced Grey Card (inside and out), Sydney Harbour, NSW illustration, very fine unused. . $100120Envelopes787PS 1915 (EP4) 1d carmine KGV (Die 1) very fine Unused; 1916 (EP9f) 1d red KGV star with variety Left point of star broken Unused (but partly addressed); and (EP10) 1d red KGV star Die 4 Unused (minor faults). (3 items). Cat.$750. $100150788PS Aug.1920 double-taxed usage of 1d brown KGV Star Embossed Envelope, uprated 1d Red KGV tied by NSW/T/10 tax stamp; sent to Holland; DELFT arrival b/stamp and 5c Postage Due tied by the same cds for re-direction from Delft to Overveen. . $100150789PS 1923 (BW:E27 [1] & [2]) 1d green KGV Star on on-white unsurfaced paper and another example with blue internal security lining. (2) fine Unused. Cat.$400. .$150200790 792790PS 1918 (RE8) 4d orange KGV Registration Envelope, FU 27 Feb. 1918 from PARLIAMENT HOUSE QUEENSLAND, uprated 1d at BRISBANE P.O. with cds in red, for delivery to NEW YORK; with transit and arrival backstamps. A most attractive usage in VF condition. $150175791PS KGV - QEII decimal period; duplicated range in album. (40+). Mixed condition. . $100150First Day & Commemorative Covers792PS RICHMOND PARK KIOSK 3 / XVI Olympiad, Vic., Aust. temporary registration label used on Dec.1956 postal card to East Germany bearing the East German Olympic adhesives tied by OLYMPIC PARK pictorial cdss; with Melbourne & Sydney backstamps and KARL-MARX STADT arrival cds on front. An extremely unusual use of the registration label. $160180'