b'67629 630629C May 1915 usage of 5d Chestnut + d Green KGV on registered cover from Perth to BOSTON, U.S.A. with blue rectangular CENSOR cachet; Boston and New York backstamps. Fine and rare. $400500630C May 1916 usage of 5d Chestnut + d Green KGV attractively tied by WICKEPIN WESTN AUST. cds on registered cover to SWITZERLAND; with PASSED BY CENSOR handstamp and A.M.F. OPENED BY CENSOR seal at left; PERTH registration and LUZERN arrival backstamp of 10.VIII.16. Cat.$1000+.Wickepin is a small town in the wheat belt, 215km south-east of Perth. .$400500631 634632631CTO 2/- Brown, CTO (December 1913 date); excellent centring. BW.35wb/wc - $300-$00. $100150632* 10/- Grey & Pink with variety Significant doubling of the design in upper portion of stamp, also Heavy shading lines under LIN of SHILLINGS, fine MLH. The only recorded example.For comparison see BW:48ca the 3rd wmk with treble print of frame which is only recorded used and is catalogued at $15,000 in that condition!.$8,00012,000Second Watermark633C 30 June 1917 usage of 2d Indigo + 5d KGV on CENSORED cover from Melbourne to Ohio, USA. . $1001506340 9d Violet, WATERMARK INVERTED, FU; (BW:25a) non-postal oval datestamp. (SG.27w. Cat.1800 for postally used). .$300500Third Watermark635** 2d Grey (Die 1) and 3d Greenish-Olive (Die 2B), both attractively centred and fresh MUH. (2). $150200636C *** CHECK CURRENT CAT$1916 (Nov.11) solo usage of 2d Grey tied by LATE FEE/SPENCER STREET (Melbourne) to plain bank cover to Brisbane, Cat. $150 on cover. $801006370 WATERMARKS INVERTED: 2d Grey (Die 1) perforated OS [BW.7ba - Note 3 - Cat.$400] plus 6d Ultramarine (Die 2) [BW.19a - Cat.$275], FU (2). $150200638C May 1917 usage of 2d Grey + d Green KGV on censored cover from BALLARAT via America to a Belgian Interned Soldier at Amersfoort Internment Camp, Holland. . $100150639C 26 Feb.1917 use of 2d Indigo, horizontal pair, attractively tied on double-rate cover from Brisbane to USA. .$80120'