b'37432ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Fraser/Evans (1996) (R.616F) First Polymer & First Prefix AA9879170/179, consecutive run of banknotes, (10) Uncirculated $2,0002,500433ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Macfarlane/Evans (1999) (R.618b) CH99 357221/225, consecutive run of banknotes, (5) Uncirculated. .$600750434ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Macfarlane/Evans (1999) (R.618b) DG99 670513/517 and DG99 670519/522, two consecutive runs of banknotes, (9) Uncirculated. .$1,1001,200435ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Macfarlane/Evans (1999) (R.618b) EH99 408269/297, consecutive run of banknotes, (29) Uncirculated. $3,5004,000436ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Macfarlane/Evans (1999) (R.618b) EK99 029597/599, consecutive run of banknotes, (3) Uncirculated. .$350400437ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Macfarlane/Evans (1999) (R.618b) FF99 749236/245, consecutive run of banknotes, (10) Uncirculated.$1,2001,500438ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Macfarlane/Evans (1999) (R.618b) FH99 927656/665, consecutive run of banknotes, (10) Uncirculated.$1,2001,500439ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Macfarlane/Evans (1999) (R.618b) GM99 313735/744, consecutive run of banknotes, (10) Uncirculated.$1,2001,500440ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Stevens/Henry (2008) (R.621a) AM08 699183/186, consecutive run of banknotes, (4) Uncirculated. .$500600441ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Stevens/Henry (2008) (R.621a) AM08 699191/192, consecutive pair of banknotes, (2) Uncirculated. .$250300442ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Stevens/Henry (2008) (R.621a) BM08 282839/844, consecutive run of banknotes, (6) Uncirculated. .$750800443ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Stevens/Henry (2008) (R.621a) CK08 798366/368, consecutive run of banknotes, (3) Uncirculated. .$400450444ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Stevens/Henry (2010) (R.621b) BM10 533692/693, consecutive pair of banknotes, (2) Uncirculated. .$250300445ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Stevens/Henry (2011) (R.621ca) AB11 394556/557, consecutive pair of banknotes, (2) Uncirculated. .$250300446ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Stevens/Henry (2011) (R.621ca) AB11 767536/540, consecutive series of banknotes, (5) Uncirculated. .$650700447ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Stevens/Henry (2011) (R.621ca) AB11 767543/544, consecutive pair of banknotes, (2) Uncirculated. .$250350448ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, Stevens/Henry (2011) (R.621ca) AB11 767546/548, consecutive series of banknotes, (3) Uncirculated. .$400500World BanknotesMiscellaneous449A random accumulation of post-travel leftovers which includes NEW ZEALAND to $100, ITALY to 100,000 Lira, HONG KONG to $100, USA, GB, Mexico, Fiji, Vietnam, Turkey, etc. (55 items). .$200250450Small group comprising FIJI $20 (2 different), 2002 Euro banknotes 5eu, 10eu (2) & 50eu; USA $20. (Total: 7). $150200Canada4511937 Bank of Canada $10 (BC-24b), Gordon/Towers, Unc. Also, later circulated $2 (2), $10 (2) and $20 (1). (Total: 6). $150200Germany4521929 Reichsbank 20RM consecutive run of 16 notes between X.21409710 and X.21409725, a few light folds, overall EF/aUnc.$400500'