b'23311311By the KING, A PROCLAMATION. George R. That, in the First Place, it is proper that all Guineas, weighing less than Five Pennyweights, Eight Grains; and all Half-guineas, weighing less than Two Pennyweights, Sixteen Grains; and all Quarter-guineas, weighing less than One Pennyweight, Eight Grains; be called in, and recoined, according to the established Standard of the Mint, both as to the Weight and Fineness.Given at Our Court at St. Jamess, the Twenty-fourth Day of June, One thousand seven hundred and seventy-four. [London, Printed by Charles Eyre and William Strahan, 1774]. A broadside; overall 54 x 44cm.The Kings Speech to Parliament at the beginning of 1774 signalled the governments intention to carry forward its coinage reforms, and Parliament duly debated the issue early in May. On 10 May 1774 the Recoinage Act (14 Geo. Ill c.70) was passed. It effectively sanctioned the programme that had already begun. The Act was followed on 24 June 1774 by a Proclamation that heralded the second phase. It stated that all guineas below 5dwt 6gr would be demonetised as from 15 July, although they would be accepted by the Revenue officers until 31 August. For the same period, a number of persons were authorised to exchange light guineas for good ones. Finally, it was announced that a further Proclamation demonetising all guineas below 5dwt 8gr would follow in due course. In summary, after 15 July 1774 the only guineas that could legally be used as currency were those weighing at least 5dwt 6gr and dated 1760-71, and those weighing at least 5dwt 8gr and dated 1772 onwards$3005003121821 GEORGE VI brass Royal Mint Coin Weight for Half Gold Sovereign $80120313CROWNS: VICTORIA - GEORGE VI, 1847, 1888 double florin, 1889, 1891, 1895, 1935 and 1951, mixed condition, (7). $300400314 315 316 317 3183141899 Sovereign, Veiled head, St. George reverse, VF. $6007003151901 Sovereign, Veiled head, St. George reverse, Unc. .$6007003161910 Half Sovereign, Edward VII, St. George reverse, VF. $3003503171912 Half Sovereign, George V, St. George reverse, EF. .$3003503181914 Half Sovereign, George V, St. George reverse, aUnc. $300350'