b'48Ex 490490PC TASMANIA - HOBART & SURROUNDS: A collection of photographic postcards featuring street and birds-eye views, wharves, signal stations and lighthouses, the no-longer extant Rocking Stone on Mt Wellington, coastal geological formations, trams and transportation infrastructure, etc. Publishers/photographers include Walch & Sons, W. Fellowes, D.I.C., W.J. Little, M. & L., Ash Bester, R. Osborne, McVilly & Little, Spurling, Tasmanian Government Tourist Bureau, Beattie, C. Standaloft, A. Mather, G.H.L., Brownell Bros., G.M. Breadon, Sirius, C. Southy, E. Verrell, (Total: 102; 62 unused; 40 used) $500750491PC TASMANIA - LAUNCESTON & SURROUNDS: A collection of photographic postcards featuring street and birds-eye views of Launceston, horse-drawn carriages, public parks, geological formations, Cataract Gorge during flooding, bridges, rivers, waterfalls, etc. Photographers/publishers include Birchall, Spurling, Mace, Examiner (UDB), Beattie, Valentines, etc. (Total: 38; 21 unused; 17 used) .$150250492PC TASMANIA - WESTERN & SOUTHERN: Photographic postcards with Queenstown and Mount Owen, Mount Magnet Silver Mine, Currie Harbour on King Island, hop picking at New Norfolk, Port Arthur, and various other towns, rivers, lakes, etc. Publishers/photographers include Ricketson Bros, Spurling, E.M. White, Beattie, Atlas, Walch, T.L. Hood, Mather, McVilly & Little, Gruncell, D.I.C., Ash Bester, etc. (Total: 48; 31 unused; 17 used) $200300Ex 493493PC TASMANIA - NORTHERN & CENTRAL: Photographic postcards featuring Hellyer Gorge, Devonport docks, Ulverstone, Uncle Leeks Teahouse, piers, country roads, lighthouses, bridges, etc. Publishers/photographers include Spurling, A.E.Barker, W.A.Skinner, S.Lakin, York Schmidt & Co., A.W.Marshall, P.P.C., J.Whitfield, Valentine, Matthew Brown, A.Brown & Co., Selwyn Cox, etc. (Total: 35; 27 unused; 8 used)$200250'