b'94Ex 841841C 16 Dec.1936 (AAMC.664-696) Brisbane - Adelaide South Australian Centenary Air Race, the complete set of 33 covers individually prepared for each competitor in their respective aircraft including the Civil Aviation Departments Monospar piloted by Flt Lieut D Ross (AAMC.695) & the Herald Percival Monospar Gull (AAMC.696) piloted by Capt. P.G. Taylor, who both flew as officials not competitors, plus the unlisted cover prepared for CA Butler who was unable to compete. All are preprinted covers with individual typed flight details, signed by the respective pilots and are cancelled at Adelaide after the 19th December or at the pilots home town. Cat.$10,000+With some flights carrying as few as 4 covers, a maximum of four complete sets is possible, with one being held in the National Library, Canberra, this is likely to be the only complete set held in private hands. Ex Frommer. (34 items) .$5,0007,500842 846842C THE BRISBANE - ADELAIDE AIR RACE of DECEMBER 1936: 16-18 Dec.1936 (AAMC.683) flown cover, carried and signed by R. Godsall, entrant No.27, who flew a DH80A Puss Moth. [One of only 12 covers carried]. Cat.$300. $160180843C D 27 November 1938 (AAMC.834) Calpurnia crash mail cover from London; addressed to Melbourne; accompanied by the Partington slip explaining the reason for the delay in the delivery of the mail. One crew member and 2 passengers lost their lives. .$80100844C 18 Jan.1939 (AAMC.843) England - Tasmania cover retrieved from the crash of Guinea Airways Koronga, killing all personnel aboard. The cover bears the red handstamp {Damaged in airline which crashed at Katherine River, North Australia. .$200250845B March 1940 (Frommer 56c) QANTAS airmail vignette booklet (lacks staple) with both covers and 3 complete panes of 8 vignettes plus blank margins. Rare. Cat.$500. Ex Tom Frommer Gold Medal Collection, 2003. .$2002508466 May 1940 (AAMC.900ab) Sydney - New Zealand flown cover, carried on the first flight of the Awarau for TEAL and signed by Captain Oscar Garden and his co-pilot, Chris Griffiths; UMUTOI arrival b/stamp. A very small unofficial mail was carried by the pilots. .$150200'