b'89821821C A RARE COVER FROM THE FIRST TRANS-PACIFIC FLIGHT: 8 June 1928 (AAMC.122b) Naselai Sands, Fiji - Eagle Farm, Brisbane cover flown by Kingsford Smith with Ulm, Lyon & Warner, on their epic trans - Pacific flight via Hawaii and Fiji in the Southern Cross, posted and cancelled in Sydney during the week after their arrival. The cover is signed by Kingsford Smith & the relief pilot Charles Ulm & is endorsed on reverse From Mrs H.Marks (wife of the Mayor of Suva) and is one of only six carried on this leg.An important piece of Australian aviation history. The dramatic last leg was the most difficult because of storms, loss of radio contact and shortage of fuel and has been well documented and much written about. This cover, a centerpiece of the Cress Gold Medal collection was previously offered in our Auction 262 (May 2005), when competition resulted in a hammer price of $19,000.Provenance: John Cress $8,00010,000822822C 13-14 October 1928 (AAMC.126) New Zealand (Blenheim) - Australia (Sydney) cover, flown aboard the Southern Cross on its return flight following the triumph of the first crossing from west to east in September (see AAMC.124). The crew comprising of Charles Kingsford Smith, Charles Ulm, H.A. Litchfield and T. McWilliams was the same; this rare cover being signed by Charles Ulm and addressed to his wife. [One of only 16 flown]. . $2,0002,500'