b'100780CONCAVA: Twelve Tessina camera accessories - three viewfinder glass mounts, five lens filters in transparent plastic cases, two tripod plates with neck chains (one mint-condition in retail packaging), one black leather case for Tessina 35, and one packet of twenty transparency mounts. (12 items)$200300 781CONCAVA: Twenty-two Tessina photography accessories - two Daylight Film Loaders (of which one in black leatherette case with instruction sheet), 776 together with twenty film loader cassettes, each in aluminium case. (22 items)773 777 $150200 CONCAVA: Tessina Automatic 35CONCAVA: Tessina L subminiature subminiature camera [#63514], c.1960s,camera [#785023], c.1980s, in chrome782in chrome with Tessinon 25mm f2.8with Tessinon 25mm f2.8 lens. OfferedCONCAVA: Twelve Tessina photography lens. Offered in makers box within makers box with instruction bookletaccessories - one Daylight Film instruction booklet and warranty card. and warranty card. Loader in black leatherette case $200300$500750 with instruction sheet, together 774 with eleven film loader cassettes, 778 each in aluminium case. (12 items)CONCAVA: Tessina Automatic 35CONCAVA: Two rare black c.1970s$100150 subminiature camera [#363973],Tessina 35 accessories in black leather c.1960s, in chrome with Tessinoncase - one Pentaprism Viewfinder78325mm f2.8 lens, together with blackattachment together with one DIN ASA makers zip-case and wrist strap. Light Meter attachment. (2 items) CORONET: Midget subminiature $200300$300450Bakelite camera, c.1935, in light green with makers leather case and 775 779 instruction sheet.CONCAVA: Tessina Automatic 35$300450subminiature camera [#163711],CONCAVA: Fourteen Tessina camera c.1960s, in chrome with Tessinonaccessories - two waist-level finder78425mm f2.8 lens, together with makersattachments, seven lens filters, oneCORONET: Midget subminiature brown leather case. mint-condition wrist-strap bracketBakelite camera, c.1935, in light green $200300in retail packaging, two cold shoewith makers leather case and film spool attachments (one mint-condition in retailin makers box.packaging), and two tripod plates with 776 neck chains (one mint-condition in retail$300450 CONCAVA: Black-body Tessina 35packaging). (14 items)subminiature camera [#166853], c.1970s,$300450785with Tessinon 25mm f2.8 lens, togetherCORONET: Midget subminiature with matching black leather case. Bakelite camera, c.1935, in blue.$500750 $300450777'