b'54250250 254 258ROSE STEREOGRAPH COMPANY:ROSE STEREOGRAPH COMPANY:TRU-VUE: Three different c.1950s Fifteen stereo cards, of which elevenForty-nine stereo cards featuring viewsTru-Vue stereoscopes (two in black featuring the 1914 preparations ofof Indian streetscapes, monuments,Bakelite and one in metal), all in makers the Australian Expeditionary Forcecultural gatherings, British colonialboxes, together with four film cards in in Ballarat, Broadmeadows, andadministration, etc. (49 cards) card sleeves. (7 items)Melbourne, together with four other$250350$80120 WW1 cards. (15 cards)$150200 255 259251 ROSE STEREOGRAPH COMPANY:T. W. INGERSOLL: Fifty-three boxed Twenty-seven stereo cards featuringc.1900 colour stereo cards with ROSE STEREOGRAPH COMPANY:comedic, sentimental, and domesticexplanatory notes on rear, all featuring More than one hundred and forty stereoscenes, in makers box marked Theviews of Japanese culture/architecture/cards sorted into 45 x 22.5 x 13.5cmRose Stereographs. (27 cards) landscapes. (53 cards)wooden box, featuring subjects such as$200300$100150 1901 Duke of York celebrations, 1908 American Fleet visit to Australia, Boer War and Victorian Contingent, natural256 260and urban scenes of Victoria, Tasmania,ROTARY PHOTOGRAPHIC CO.:T. W. INGERSOLL: Complete set of one New South Wales (many of JenolanTwo 7.5cm high Pocket Rotoscopehundred numbered colour Sicle of Caves), and New Zealand. Also presentminiature stereo viewers, c.1908, withPort Arthur stereo cards with makers is a 1903 George Rose Armadalemore than one hundred matching stereobox, c.1904. A detailed record of the payment receipt. (140+ cards) cards in vintage cigarette box. (3 items) Russo-Japanese War. (100 cards)$700900$150200$100150 252 257ROSE STEREOGRAPH COMPANY:STEREO TRAVEL COMPANY: Forty-Thirty-four stereo cards featuringseven France-series stereo cards views of the United Kingdom,in makers cloth-lined box, c.1900. including streetscapes, landmarks,(47 cards)royal processions, troop reviews, etc.$100150 (34 cards)$250350 253ROSE STEREOGRAPH COMPANY: Fifty-five stereo cards featuring views of Japan, China, Korea, and several European and Pacific Island nations. (55 cards)$250350 263'