b'86624BOLEX-PAILLARD: Four double-8 movie cameras with all lens caps present - one c.1942 L8 with one lens, one c.1958 B8L with two lenses, one c.1958 B8SL with two lenses, and one B-type model also with two lenses. (4 movie cameras)$120180 636627 631BOLEX-PAILLARD: Four c.1950s double-8 movie cameras with all lens 625 caps present - one B8 with two lenses, 619 BOLEX-PAILLARD: Three 8mm movieone B8SL with two lenses, one B8L BOLEX-PAILLARD: H16-type 16mmcameras - one c.1942 L8 with one lens,with two lenses, and one C8SL with movie camera, c.1940s, with Switarone c.1962 P1 Zoom Reflex with lensone lens. (4 movie cameras)25mm f1.4/Yvar 15mm f2.8/Yvarhood, and one c.1963 P4 Zoom Reflex$100150 75mm f2.5 lenses, and side-mountedAutomatic. (3 movie cameras)viewfinder attachment. $100150632$300450BOLEX-PAILLARD: Four c.1950s 626 double-8 movie cameras with all lens 620 BOLEX-PAILLARD: H8S double-8caps present - one B8L with two BOLEX-PAILLARD: Original-typemovie camera, c.1947, with threelenses, one C8 with one lens, one C8L Bolex Titler set, c.1940s, in large 103lenses, one lens cap, viewfinderwith one lens, and one C8S with one x 43 x 19cm timber chest with redattachment, and eye cup. lens. (4 movie cameras)Bolex Paillard Fabrication Suisse logo.$200300$100150 Elements include optical bench with rackover camera carriage, title frame,627two lamps with power cords, two boxesBOLEX-PAILLARD: H16 SBM 16mm of cardboard letters, and many others. movie camera [#304731], c.1950s, with $200300Poe Bolex H16RX Kern Vario-Switar 16-100mm f1.9 lens [#1124917], lens 621 cap, and shutter release cable.BOLEX-PAILLARD: Original-type$400600Bolex Titler set, c.1940s, in large 103 x 43 x 19cm timber chest.628Elements include optical bench withBOLEX-PAILLARD: Circa 1950s 16mm rackover camera carriage, title frame,movie camera cutaway model [#34994], two lamps with power cords, andwith Excelsior tripod attachment.magnifying glass attachment.$150200$100150622 629BOLEX-PAILLARD: H16 16mmBOLEX-PAILLARD: Four c.1950s movie camera, c.1940, with Switardouble-8 movie cameras - two B8 12.5mm f1.5/Yvar 25mm f2.5/ models each with two lenses and caps, Yvar 36mm f2.8 lenses, viewfinderone C8 with one lens, and one C8SL with attachment, and eye cup. one lens and zip case. (4 movie cameras)$300450$100150 623 630BOLEX-PAILLARD: Three double-8BOLEX-PAILLARD: Four c.1950s movie cameras - one c.1942 L8 with onedouble-8 movie cameras - two B8 lens, one c.1958 D8LA with three lensesmodels each with two lenses, one C8 and all caps present, and one c.1958with one lens, and one C8SL with one D8L with one lens. (3 movie cameras) lens and zip case. (4 movie cameras)$150200$100150628'