b'34153 154153 155 157PIPIRRIWINI, DRAGONFLY, oneTARNIKINI - FLYING FOX, onePURINJIRRINGA - TREE, one of a series of six poster prints forof a series of six poster prints forof a series of six poster prints for Bima Wear, a Tiwi womens creativeBima Wear, a Tiwi womens creativeBima Wear, a Tiwi womens creative enterprise based in Wurrumiyanga inenterprise based in Wurrumiyanga inenterprise based in Wurrumiyanga in the Tiwi Islands, established in 1969.the Tiwi Islands, established in 1969.the Tiwi Islands, established in 1969. Designed and printed by Fiona KerinauiaDesigned and printed by Fiona KerinauiaDesigned and printed by Fiona Kerinauia in collaboration with Sydney artist Mariein collaboration with Sydney artist Mariein collaboration with Sydney artist Marie McMahon, who was active in foundingMcMahon, who was active in foundingMcMahon, who was active in founding screen printing workshops and taughtscreen printing workshops and taughtscreen printing workshops and taught silk screening on the Tiwi Islands. Handsilk screening on the Tiwi Islands. Handsilk screening on the Tiwi Islands. Hand printed silk screen on paper, printed silk screen on paper, printed silk screen on paper,73 x 48cm 73 x 49cm 73.5 x 48.5cm$200300 $200300 $200300 154 156 158MIPUTI WUTA MWARLIKI PIRIMIARIKURTUMURNUWI YOYI PIRIMIWINGA - SALT WATER, one of a - SWIMMING FISH, one of a series- ALL THE PEOPLE DANCE, oneseries of six poster prints for Bima of six poster prints for Bima Wear,of a series of six poster prints forWear, a Tiwi womens creative a Tiwi womens creative enterpriseBima Wear, a Tiwi womens creativeenterprise based in Wurrumiyanga in based in Wurrumiyanga in the Tiwienterprise based in Wurrumiyanga inthe Tiwi Islands, established in 1969. Islands, established in 1969. Designedthe Tiwi Islands, established in 1969.Designed and printed by Fiona Kerinauia and printed by Fiona Kerinauia inDesigned and printed in collaborationin collaboration with Sydney artist Marie collaboration with Sydney artist Mariewith Sydney artist Marie McMahon,McMahon, who was active in founding McMahon, who was active in foundingwho was active in founding screenscreen printing workshops and taught screen printing workshops and taughtprinting workshops, and taught silksilk screening on the Tiwi Islands. Hand silk screening on the Tiwi Islands. Handscreening on the Tiwi Islands. Handprinted silk screen on paper,printed silk screen on paper, printed silk screen on paper, 73.5 x 48.5cm73 x 48cm 73 x 48.5cm $200300 $200300 $200300'