b'103808 812GOMZ: Sputnik stereo 120 film TLRHASSELBLAD: Circa 1970 Hasselblad camera, c.1955, with twin T-22 75mm500 C/M SLR camera [#RI1295285] f4.5 lenses [#138296] and matchingwith Planar 80mm f2.8 lens, in leather case with Sputnik imprint. flight case with a large number $200300of Hasselblad accessories: one Sonnar 250mm f5.6 and one 809 S-Planar 135mm f5.6 lens, three additional camera backs, two GRAFLEX: Graflex 3A SLR camerabellows, one hand grip, eight lens [#33038], c.1907, with Aldis Anastigmatfilters, spirit level, shutter release f7.7 No. 7 lens [#41253]. cable, and several $100150other items.$2,0003,000810GRAFLEX: Revolving Back Graflex Series B plate camera, c.1923, with Ross-Kodak Anastigmat 6 f4.5 lens [#110629] and film pack adapter attachment.$150200 811HASSELBLAD: Four c.1970s80740 x 49.5cm point-of-sale posters, including one featuring image of Apollo Lunar Module. (4 items)$80120 812'