b'4Session 1: Tuesday 29 October, 12pm (AEDT) (Lots 1355)The Eve Glenn Poster CollectionAfter finishing four years of Fine Art Painting at RMITwent on to play in the womens bands Toxic Shock and in the early 1960s, Eve had three children. She wasBarbies Dead. This was a time when some women were deeply involved in the social and cultural movementsentering new territory such as trades, making movies, of the times, such as folk music, the peace movement,playing rock music, etc.anti-conscription, anti-Vietnam War, Feminism, LandEve has spent her working life freelancing as a scenic/Rights, Rock-and- Roll and Punk. Posters and posterbackdrop artist, creating sets, props, and even painting making were an exciting part of these activities and shefloors, for TV, theatre, circus and film. She also became very active in the field. People communicatedbrought her skills to the building, entertainment, visual with posters, hand bills and hand-made cards. Physicalmerchandising and display industries as a designer, distribution was erratic and nothing on display lasted verymaker, painter of parade banners, floats and painted long, but sometimes Eve managed to save a poster. trams. No surface was off limits! She was also at the There was excitement, inventiveness, humour and hope.forefront of developing large and small scale community We thought we were changing the world by the way wemural projects Australia-wide, as well as undertaking lived Exploring family and gender roles and the myriadvarious corporate commissions.of creative pursuits in theatre, writing, circus, bands,Eve has exhibited work in numerous group exhibitions photography, street art, screen printing and more. in Melbourne and Sydney, and has work in the Totoro Eve found her way into the workforce via an interestCollection and The Harding Collection.in theatre, especially backstage work at the PramThe Eve Glenn poster collection is unique in capturing Factory Theatre in the 70s. She became involved in thethe vitality, hope, fun and frustration of the era, community theatre wing of the Australian Performingand we are grateful that she has preserved these Group, painting with Circus Oz at its foundation, andephemeral reminders.playing electric guitar with The Wimmins Circus. She'