b'52219 225 231Thirty-three c.1930s stereo cardsH. C. WHITE: Two complete sets ofKEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY: Boxed featuring many fascinating glimpsesten numbered Perfec Wedding Seriesset of one hundred Italy Volumes I & of colonial New Guinea, includingstereo cards, one of which in makersII stereo cards, featuring subjects such indigenous people and their culturalbox. (20 cards) as Roman ruins, Vatican interiors and practices, resident foreigners, flora and$80120exteriors, etc., each with extensive fauna etc. (33 cards) explanatory notes on rear. (100 cards)$200300226 $120180 KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY: 220 Telebinocular stereoscope, c.1930s,232DITIONS ROLLAND: Four differentin makers cloth-lined box. KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY: sets of ten 13 x 6cm stereo glass slides,$100150Complete set of one hundred each in makers box, featuring views ofindividually-numbered stereo cards Fontainebleau chateau. (4 items) 227 in cloth-lined box marked Tour of the $100150World Vol I/II, featuring views of cities KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY:and agricultural practices in the British Complete set of one hundred WorldIsles, Norway, and the Americas, each 221 War through the Stereoscope Volumewith copious explanatory notes on rear. ERNEMANN DRESDEN: Approx.I & II stereo cards in makers cloth-lined(100 cards)15.5 x 11 x 8.5cm handheldbox, c.1918. (100 cards) $120180 stereoscope, c.1900, with makers box. $200300$100150233228 KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY: 222 KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY:Complete set of one hundred Tour of GORDON ENTERPRISES: TypeComplete set of one hundred Worldthe World Volumes I & II stereo cards F-71 Mirror Stereoscope [#8901] inWar through the Stereoscope Volumein makers cloth-lined box. (100 cards)48 x 16 x 13.5cm wooden box. I & II stereo cards in makers cloth-lined$150200 $80120box, c.1918. (100 cards)$200300234223 KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY: Ninety-H.C. WHITE: Ninety-six stereo cards,229 nine individually-numbered stereo cards mostly of the Perfec-type, in makersKEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY:in cloth-lined box marked Tour of the cloth-lined box marked SpecialComplete set of one hundred WorldWorld Vol III/IV, featuring views of city Classified Series, c.1901. (96 cards) War through the Stereoscope Volumesand country life in Scandinavia, Central $120180I & II stereo cards in makers cloth-linedand Western Europe, and Russia, each box, c.1918. (100 cards) with copious explanatory notes on rear. 224 $200300(99 cards)H. C. WHITE: Fifty-six stereo cards$120180 featuring views of major Italian cities230and cultural/religious sites. (56 cards) KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY:235$80120Forty-eight World War through theKEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY: Stereoscope Volume 1 stereo cardsComplete set of one hundred in makers cloth-lined box, c.1918.individually-numbered stereo cards (48 cards) in cloth-lined box marked Tour of $100150the World Vol V/VI, featuring views of Eastern Europe, Greece, Turkey, Ottoman provinces, African wildlife and ivory trade, South and East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and others, each with copious explanatory notes on rear. (100 cards)$120180 227'