b'1231058YASHICA: Group of three cameras - one c.1958 Yashica 635, one c.1962 Yashica Minister II with leather case, and one c.1983 Yashica Partner. (3 cameras)$150200 1059YASHICA: Complete set of all known Yashica Y16 miniature camera colour combinations (red/white, gold/grey, aqua/grey, blue/grey, red/grey, black/grey), c.1959, together with three matching leather camera cases and a set of three lens filters in case. (6 cameras)1059 $2503501060YASHICA: Contax T rangefinder camera [#030581], c.1984, in silver with Carl Zeiss Sonnar T 38mm f2.8 lens. Offered in makers box with Contax T14 Auto 1052 1055 flash accessory, suede case, wrist WHITE: Stereo Realist Model 1041WIRGIN: Two c.1960s SLR camerasstrap, and printed materials.stereo camera, c.1947, with dual f3.5- one Edixa-Mat Reflex Model B with$200300 lenses, together with White HandiKilfitt-Makro-Kilar E 40mm f2.8 lens, Viewer in makers box and Morgantogether with one Edixa Reflex with1061& Lester Stereo Realist ManualSteinheil Cassar 50mm f2.8 lens.YASHICA: Titanium-body Contax T3 400-page book. (3 items) (2 cameras) compact camera [#065301], c.2001, $200300 $150200with Carl Zeiss Sonnar T 35mm f2.8 lens. Offered in makers box with leather 1053 1056 case, wrist strap, and printed materials.WHITE: Stereo Realist Model 1041WRAY: Wrayflex Ia SLR camera$2,0003,000stereo camera [#003951], c.1947, with[#3343], c.1950s, with Unilite 50mm dual f3.5 lenses. Unusual design withf2 lens [#166620]. 1062viewfinder at bottom of camera and$600800ZEISS IKON: Four c.1930s Box Tengor integrated flip-up lens cap. cameras - one Baby Box 54/18, $1502001057 two 54/2 models with differing rear YASHICA: Yashica 635 TLR cameraelements, and one 6 x 9 model. 1054 [#ST3120154], c.1958, with Yashikor(4 cameras)WHITTAKER: Two c.1946 Micro 1680mm f3.5 lens, lens cap, leather case,$100150 subminiature cameras, one with plainand 35mm conversion kit. (2 items)chrome detailing, the other with red-ink.$150200 (2 cameras)$80120 1061'