b'53248236KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY: One hundred Tour of the World Volumes VII/VIII-series stereo cards in makers cloth-lined box. (100 cards)$100150241 245KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY: Eighty- KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY: Seventy-237 five stereo cards, featuring a greateight stereo cards in cloth-lined box KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY: Set ofvariety of views, primarily of Europeanmarked Third Dimension Eye-Training one hundred stereo cards numberedcapitals and architecture. (85 cards) Series Volume I, featuring many images 301 to 400 in makers box marked Tour$100150and symbols apparently intended for of the World, featuring views of Japan,therapeutic use. (78 cards)a wide range of American states, and242 $120180 Canada. (100 cards)$100150KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY: An accumulation of ninety-six stereo246cards, comprising seventy-two cards inMATTEY PARIS: Approx. 238 makers box marked Tour of the World,18 x 12 x 10.5cm wooden stereoscope, KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY: Set oftwelve Vision Training cards withc.1920s.one hundred stereo cards numberedtechnical markings in makers box, and$100150 301 to 400 in makers box marked Tourtwelve other assorted cards. (96 cards)of the World, featuring views of Japan,$100150247a wide range of American states, and Canada. (100 cards) RICHARD JULES: Vrascope 243 45 x 107mm stereo viewer, c.1880s.$100150KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY: One$100150 hundred stereo cards with a great 239 diversity of subjects and serial numbers,248KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY:in makers lined box. (100 cards)Complete set of one hundred India- $100150ROSE STEREOGRAPH COMPANY: Set series stereo cards, c.1900s, in makersof thirty stereo cards depicting the 1908 cloth-lined box. (100 cards) visit of the American Fleet, in matching 244 makers box. (30 cards)$100150KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY: Group$300450of one hundred early 20th-century 240 stereo cards, with views of England,249KEYSTONE VIEW COMPANY: Ninety- the United States, and many others. six stereo cards, many with explanatory(100 cards) ROSE STEREOGRAPH COMPANY: notes on rear, featuring views of$100150Seventeen stereo cards depicting the Australia, Antarctica, Ottoman Palestine1908 visit of the American Fleet, in and Syria, and others. (96 cards) matching makers box. (17 cards)$120180$150200 '