b'88645643641 646BOLEX-PAILLARD: H16 M 16mmBOLEX-PAILLARD: Bolex C8 double-8 movie camera [#157770], c.1958, withmovie camera [#565158], Pizar 50mm f1.8 lens [#926305] andc.1960s, with Som Berthiot viewfinder attachment. Pan-Cinor 12.5-36mm f2.8 $300450lens with attached zoom finder, lens filter, lens hood, 642 and pistol-grip attachment.BOLEX-PAILLARD: D8L double-8$200300movie camera [#956594], c.1958, with Switar 36mm f1.8/Pizar64755mm f1.9/Yvar 13mm f1.8 lenses,BOLEX-PAILLARD: Three c.1960s with all lens caps present. 8mm movie cameras - one Bolex S1 $100150 Zoom Reflex Automatic with lens hood and cap, one Bolex P4 Zoom 643 Reflex Automatic with lens hood, BOLEX-PAILLARD: H16 T 16mm movieand one Bolex 7.5 Macrozoom. camera with all lens caps present,(3 movie cameras)c.1958, with Pizar 26mm f1.9/Yvar$120180 16mm f2.8/Yvar 75mm f2.8 lenses, and646top and side viewfinder attachments.$300450644 648BOLEX-PAILLARD: D8LABOLEX-PAILLARD: Three c.1960s double-8 movie camera, c.1950s,8mm movie cameras, all with pistol-apparently in mint conditiongrip attachments - one Zoom Reflex P1 in makers box with lens withwith lens hood and lens cap, one Zoom both caps, crank attachment,Reflex P2 with lens hood, and one D8L wrist strap attachment,with a complete set of lens caps. and instruction booklet. (3 movie cameras)$150200$250350 645 649BOLEX-PAILLARD: BolexBOLEX-PAILLARD: Three c.1960s B8L double-8 movie camera8mm movie cameras, each [#819715], c.1958, withwith lens hood and pistol-grip Som Berthiot Pan-Cinor 10- attachment - one P1 Zoom 30mm f2.8 lens [#ZB15787]Reflex with lens cap, one P2 with attached zoom finderZoom Reflex with lens cap, and lens hood, pistol-gripand one P3 Zoom Reflex. attachment, and one body cap. (3 movie cameras)$200300 $200300642'