b'85596 606 611CARL ZEISS JENA: BinoctemARROW WORKS FOTO NEWS: ArrowBELL & HOWELL: Automatic Cine 7 x 50 binoculars [#1807599],Cine Camera Model 50 16mm movieCamera 16mm movie camera, c.1958, with 1939 Victorian Police Forcecamera [#3355], c.1934, with singlewith Taylor-Hobson Cooke Cinema 1 retirement engraving. lens and viewfinder. f3.5 lens and winding key.$100150$150200 $100150 597 607 612NIPPON KOGAKU: Mikron 8 x 50 7BELL & HOWELL: Bell & Howell 70DRBOLEX-PAILLARD: Free-standing Coated binoculars [#524723]. 16mm movie camera, c.1940s, with15 x 12cm metal point-of-sale $100150three lenses, three viewfinders, andsign bearing the words Bolex one lens cap. Paillard Authorized Dealer.598 $120180$80120 VARIOUS MANUFACTURERS: Six sets of binoculars - one Asahi Jupiter Sr608 613Wide Angle 6 x 25, one Hoya HamicaBOLEX-PAILLARD: Auto Cine B 16mm 2~8 x 35, one Sirius Nass MFG WideBELL & HOWELL: Four c.1950s moviemovie camera, c.1929, with Hermagis Angle 12 x 40, and three unmarkedcameras - one 605 Double Run Eight,Paris 25mm f3.5 lens [#148828].models. (6 items) one Automatic 240, one Focus-Matic $80120Autoload, and one Sportster Double$300450Run Eight. (4 movie cameras)599 $50100614AMERICAN PROJECTING CO.BOLEX-PAILLARD: Type-1 Auto CHICAGO: 35mm Model M American609 Cine A 16mm movie camera, c.1932, Projectoscope cine projector [#832],BELL & HOWELL: Five c.1950s moviewith Hermagis Paris 25mm f3.5 lens c.1920s. cameras - one Autoload, one Autoload[#141270].$300450 in brown, one Autoload Optronic Eye,$400600 one Autoload Zoom Reflex, and one615600 Zoom Master. (5 movie cameras)AMPRO: Stylist 16mm projector,$50100BOLEX-PAILLARD: Type-2 Auto c.1930s, in matching lock-in case withCine A 16mm movie camera, c.1932, carry handle. 610 with Hermagis Paris 25mm f3.5 lens $100150[#177262].BELL & HOWELL: Six c.1950s movie$400600 601 cameras - one 624 8mm, one Autoload BOLEX-PAILLARD: Model G 16mm16mm, one Electric Eye with lens filter,616one Sportster Double Run Eight, one projector, c.1936, in matching brandedSun Dial 333, and one Two Twenty.BOLEX-PAILLARD: H16 case with two lamp globes, bottle of(6 movie cameras) 16mm movie camera, c.1935, with lubricant, and reel element. $50100Switar 25mm f1.4/Yvar 16mm f2.8/$100150Yvar 75mm f2.8 lenses, and top and side viewfinder attachments.602 $300450 BOLEX-PAILLARD: M-8 8mm projector, c.1950. 617$50100BOLEX-PAILLARD: H16 16mm movie camera, c.1935, with Switar 25mm 603 f1.4/Yvar 16mm f2.8/Yvar 75mm MAXCRAFT PROJECTIONf2.8 lenses, two lens caps, and MANUFACTURINGviewfinder attachment.COMPANY: Roama - This is All$300450Australian film projector, height 15.5cm, with original power cord.$50100 604CASTLE FILMS: Group of eight Super-8 films, each in makers box, including titles such as Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man, Abbott & Costello, and Woody Woodpecker. (8 items)$100150 618605 BOLEX-PAILLARD: H16-type VARIOUS MANUFACTURERS: Group16mm movie camera, c.1940s, of ten Super-8 film reels, each inwith Switar H16 RX 16mm f1.8/Switar makers box, including such titlesH16 RX 25mm f1.4/Yvar 75mm f2.8 as When Eight Bells Toll, Laurel &lenses, two lens caps, and side-Hardy, and Jerry Lewis Big Mouth.mounted viewfinder attachment.(10 items) $300450 $100150617'