b'98Ex 450449 454[MILITARY - BOER WAR], POSTCARDS: EDMUND WILLIAM MOBERLY (1871-1925), The Victorian Mounted Rifles parade down Swanston StreetBLACKHEATH, BLUE MOUNTAINS collection of twenty real-prior to their departure for South Africa in February 1901,photo postcards (by Empire), each with a neat pen-written silver gelatin photograph laid down on card, 15.5 x 20cm. title at base, believed to be in the hand of Reverend Edmund $80120Moberly, circa 1905-10. It appears that these were prepared for a Miss Cecil Giles, of Rosecourt, Burnside, whose 450 name and address details have been written on the back of each card. (20).NEW ZEALAND: A small collection of stereoview cards,Edmund Moberly was noted for his beautiful voice and he postcards and a few photographs. (qty) seems to have had real musicality. His family had certainly $200300 produced musicians of note in England. Lifelong, he was interested in photography, and the family papers held in the 451 State Archives in New South Wales may well have some MAGIC LANTERN SLIDES & GLASS PLATE NEGATIVES:treasures in his very early photographs. The Blue Mountains A collection of vintage slides of Australian scenes includingLibrary holds some of his photographs which were created visits to the New South Wales South Coast, Northernwith platinum coated papers. The present group appear to be Beaches, Coogee, Manly, Bondi, Cooks River, Bexley,the only examples to come onto the market.Federation Celebrations, Arrival of Lord Beauchamp, etc.$250350circa 1900 - 1920s, (qty).$300500454aREVEREND WILLIAM WATT (1843-1926),452 A group of original photographic prints, circa 1890s, identified THE FIRE AT ANTHONY HORDERNS PALACE EMPORIUM,verso as being from TANNA in the NEW HEBRIDES (now HAYMARKET, JULY 1901, Vanuatu); one with Rev. W. Watts handstamp, but all appear Three silver gelatin photographs in stereocard format,to be by him. Mostly with the identity of the subject notated in photographers unknown, showing the Emporium duringpen; and all approx. 15 x 10.5cm. (6).and after the fire of 10 July 1901 which destroyed it. EachRev. William Watt (1843-1926) was a Scottish missionary to pair of images mounted on grey card, approx. 90 x 175mm.the New Hebrides where he arrived in 1868, working on Tanna A new Palace Emporium was built on the site in 1905. Island. Watt retired from there to Australia in 1910.$300500$300400 453 455STEREOVIEW cards by George Rose or Roses StereoscopicSTEREOVIEW cards; all Australian scenes; makers include Views, all depicting Australian scenes; including Duke of YorkW.F. Hall (Sydney), Harts (Tivoli Road, South Yarra), Kerrys Celebrations, Sydney, Adelaide, Hobart and Melbourne; Lord(Sydney), Pritchard (Camperdown), but many anonymous. Brassey at St. Kilda; Melbourne and Victorian scenes, etc. (25). Subjects include landscapes, military parades, farming, $120200Jenolan Caves, Melbourne street scenes, Duke & Duchess of Cornwall visit, ships, etc. (83)$300500 '