b'100460460[VIDA GOLDSTEIN, SUFFRAGETTES]. Womens Social and Political Union. She was one of the main 1911 pair of vintage silver gelatin photographs, in stereo cardspeakers featured on the day, along with Pankhurst. The wives format, each with a serial number 11,950 or 11,951, titleof the British Prime Ministers, Margot Asquith and Margaret with captions, Great Suffragette Demonstration In London.Lloyd George, shared their husbands opposition to womens Mrs. Fisher, Mrs, McGowen and Miss Vida Goldstein fromsuffrage. At the time of the march, women throughout Australia and Great Suffragette Demonstration in London.Australia already had the vote which had been accorded The Empire Car (different Colonies) passing through Trafalgarto them federally in 1902, and in the states as follows: Square. 85 x 150mm (approx. each), laid down on originalSouth Australia,1895; Western Australia, 1899; NSW, 1902; Rose backing cards. (2). Tasmania. 1903; and Victoria, 1908.Image #11,950 shows Margaret Fisher (wife of Australian$200300Prime Minister), Emily McGowen (wife of NSW Premier), Lady Cockburn (wife of South Australian Premier), Lady Stout (wife461of former New Zealand Prime Minister) and Vida GoldsteinPOST CARDS: [ROYAL MILITARY COLLEGE, DUNTROON] (Australian suffragette and politician, who was the firstgroup of four original real-photo postcards by Howard & woman in the British Empire to stand for election to a nationalShearsby of Yass, circa 1911, numbered and titled in the plate, parliament). together with three other real-photo postcard images from the On 17 June 1911, 40,000 women marched in support of theCollege (by an unknown photographer). (7).Womens Suffrage Bill in the Womens Coronation Procession$150250 which took place between the Thames Embankment and the Royal Albert Hall. Margaret Fisher (1904-1988) wife of Australias Prime Minister, led the Australians. Second from462right is Emily McGowen, wife of the NSW Premier. VidaSTEREOVIEW CARDS by L. & H. Stereographs, 1912, Goldstein (1869-1949), (right) president of the Womensall depicting New South Wales scenes in the Blue Mountains, Political Association of Victoria, had been invited to LondonKuring-Gai Chase, etc. (14).by the organisers of the march, Emily Pankhursts militant$120200 '