b'115529529JOSEPH BACKLER (1813-1895) (attrib.), Abraham Liddiard (c.1802-1874) and his wife Rebecca nee Abraham Liddiard, Colles are buried in St Marys Magdalene graveyard. According to Ross Thomas, a former Director of Education, who had oil on canvas, consulted the early records of the school, the religious manuscript title and artists name on the stretcher verso, instruction at the school was such as is usually given in a 76 x 64cm, 100 x 90cm overall Sunday School attached to the Church of Englandwhich Inscribed verso in pen in a modern hand who has identifiedwould explain the bible in Liddiards hand. At the St Marys the artist as Joseph Backler and the sitter as AbrahamSchool Diamond Jubilee Celebrations, Thomas gave an Liddiard, headmaster at Dunheved South Creek, whichaddress on the history of education, stating he believed the opened in 1839 to educate children of the workers on thefirst school opened in 1839.property. The School later moved into a vacated residence at$3,0005,000Samuel Thompsons tannery on the east bank of South Creek [St Marys].'