b'101010 promote the health, comfort, and happiness of all on board SYDNEY INTEREST, FRENCH CONSULAR: Antique sterlingand that his conduct was evidently the offspring of a kind silver snuff box with engraved floral decoration and originalheart, and not prompted alone by a bare sense of duty.gilt wash interior, inscribed inside the lid Presented byFourteen years at ClunesLennox T. Cunningham, Esqre MD. R.N., by the Executor of The late Mons.r Faramond, Consul of France, at Sydney,Following brief periods at Ballarat in 1854-55 and at Creswick in remembrance of his great attention during his last illness,in 1856, Robinson moved his practice to the goldfield town of by Joseph Angell & Joseph Angell Jnr, London, circa 1849, Clunes. In 1861 he was medical officer to the Clunes Mining 9.7cm wide, 202 grams Company. He later recalled first visiting the area in about 1855 $4,0006,000 when there were only 20 inhabitants; by the time he departed in 1871 the population had grown to about 6000. He resided in a neat little residence in Service Street. He was a member 11 of the building committee of the Presbyterian Church and was An important Australian solid yellow high carat goldgenerally active in the public life of the town.snuff box, the lid with floral and foliate decoration surrounding a raised cartouche with engraved presentation inscription, thePresentation of the snuffboxbase with chased & engraved scene of an Aboriginal man withTo commemorate Dr Robinsons departure, the gold box was spear hunting an emu, and two parrots or cockatoos flying bycommissioned, along with a gold and diamond ring. These at right, the scene with patinated background and surroundingwere presented at a banquet on a sumptuous scale held at neo-rococo scrolled foliate decoration. Wiles Club Hotel, Clunes, on 15 August 1871, and attended by 7cm wide, 93.4grams, about seventy of the leading men of the district. The gathering engraved PRESENTED TO J. T. ROBINSON ESQ. M.D.was chaired by Rivett Henry Bland, managing director of the BY HIS FRIENDS AT CLUNES, VICTORIA AS A TOKEN OFPort Phillip & Colonial Gold Mining Company at Clunes who, THEIR RESPECT AND ESTEEM WON DURING A RESIDENCEwith three vice-chairmenT.M.B. Philipps MLA, William THERE OF FOURTEEN YEARS. 15 AUG.t. 1871, MacDonald, a provisional trustee of the Warrandyte Quartz-JOHN TRIMBLE ROBINSON (c.1820-1882) initially practisedMining Company, and Benjamin Jessup, a Clunes solicitor and at Clogher, Country Tyrone, Ireland. He was ships surgeonlong-term friend of Robinsongave speeches which bore on the clipper Red Jacket, which departed Liverpool fortestimony to the universal esteem in which the guest was Melbourne on 4 May 1854. Captain Samuel Reed, intent onheld, not only on account of his high reputation as a medical winning a race against the Mermaid clipper, detoured via theman, but also for the many acts of kindness and liberality to Antarctic where many passengers suffered in the extremethe poor classes of that town and neighbourhood.cold. The ship reached Port Phillip Heads on 14 July 1854 inGold boxes are rare survivors; even rarer are ones with record sailing time but several of the disaffected travellersAustralian iconography. The chairman R. H. Bland, a brought a legal action against Captain Reed who promptlyformer Protector of the Natives in South Australia, perhaps departed the port. There had been only two deaths on theinfluenced the choice of the design of an Aboriginal hunter. voyage, both apparently due to pre-existing illnesses, and theIn Dr Robinsons snuffbox the art of the engraver, which had grateful passengers subscribed to a testimonial in silver forbeen so important in the work of colonial silversmiths during presentation to Dr Robinson. This was accompanied by a letterthe early years of the goldrush, is to the fore.with 277 signatories attesting to his unwearied exertions to$25,00035,000'