b'52212 overseas. In 1915 they raised 83 andEach of these depict a different A novelty oversize presentation cricketthree cases of clothing, worth 100,scene featuring African animals. After bat, emblazoned PRESENTED TOwere forwarded to Alexandria. leaving the Museum he worked as a THE CAPTAIN OF THE IRONWORKS$500750 professional sculptor until 1942. While POLICE GARRISON CLUB IN HONORback in Sydney he made some plastic of THEIR WINNING THE ASHES214 studies of the facial characteristics of FROM THE LITHGOW IRONWORKSaborigines to take back to America.C.C. Season 1911 & 1912, A. WOODS hand-painted porcelain$8001,200105cm high, 24cm wide vase with gilt decoration on Rosenthal $500750 German blank,signed A. Wood, 1913,18cm high213 $300500 [JUDAICA]A presentation leather vanity case with215silk lining and original toiletry bottles,J. S. WATKINS (1866-1942), bronzed metal pill box and paraffin burner; ametal relief profile portrait plaque, pocket to the interior of the lid. A silversigned lower right J. S. Watkins, 1913,plaque is engraved Presented to Mrs.71 x 46cm overallS. Marks by the Perth Hebrew Ladies Benevolent Society, in appreciation$400600of Services Rendered as Honorary Secretary, since its inception (1897216- 1911), Perth, September 12thJOHN W. HOPE portrait of an 1911. Overall 36 x 19 x 8.5cm. Aboriginal woman with child, The Perth Jewish Ladies Benevolentcast bronze plaque, signed lower Society was formed in October 1897right John W. Hope, 1939,for the relief of distressed families.31 x 21cm, 34 x 24cm overallThe ladies performed tahara (theBorn in Sydney, Hope worked at the preparation of a dead person for burialAmerican Museum of Natural History in accordance with Jewish customs).from 1923 to 1936. He contributed The ladies sewed shrouds, with calicotaxidermy to the Hall of Asian purchased from the store of M. Morris.Mammals and the Akeley Hall of African The society assisted Jewish widowsMammals. An accomplished sculptor, and children and undertook welfare inHope created the fourteen bas-reliefs the wider community. During Worldthat appear above each of the dioramas War I, their work extended to the Redon the main level of the African Hall. Cross, and assistance to migrants from 212213'