b'99Ex 454456 458[ABORIGINAL INTEREST]. STEREOVIEW cards by Underwood & Underwood, A hand-coloured postcard titled Lubras Camp at Maloga,all depicting Australian scenes and copyright 1908; noted Vic. with versions (or parts) of the same image appearing inMelbournes Henley on the river Yarra, A busy morning on a black & white magic lantern slide titled Group of Natives onBarrack St. in Perth, Great international cricket match on the the Murray, a hand-coloured magic lantern slide, a postcardgrounds at Melbourne, Diving at St. Kilda baths, largest in titled Lubra and Child in the plate, and a circa 1950s largethe world (palings keep out sharks), and several others. (7).reproduction photograph (20 x 29cm). An interesting group.$100150 (5 items).$100150459[TASMANIAN ROWING],457 A small collection of original photographs from the estate of NICHOLAS CAIRE (1837 - 1918), Tasmanian coxswain, Alfred Griggs, including a large photo Fun in Camp, Lake Tyres, silver gelatin photograph inof the Tasmanian Interstate Eight, with Griggs, at Brisbane postcard format, attractively used in July 1907 fromin May 1920 where they came 3rd to South Australia and BAYSWATER to Herault, FRANCE, with Caires detailsWestern Australia. Other photos feature Grigg, as a boy, in the plate at lower right. Offered together with printedearly in his career. (Total: 5).colour-lithographic version of the same image, titled at$200300 upper left but without Caires name; the card printed in Germany and with a letterpress advertisement for P. Van de Wouwer, an Antwerp grocer. (2 items).Caire made a series of posed photographs at Lake Tyres in the early 1890s.$200250 '