b'24Ex 81Jewellery81KILPATRICK & Co. of Melbourne, fine quality antiqueIn 1906 Bell and her sons moved to Dalby. Meanwhile her 15ct yellow gold photo locket with blue and white enameldaughter, Louisa (d.1941), who had a dowry of 10,000, had monogram M.B. for MARGARET BELL, housing twomarried Charles (Ernie) Webster in 1900. They resided at portraits; together with a selection of photographs from theWaimea at Sandy Bay, Hobart, where Margaret would later Bell family, 19th century, live with them until her death in 1921. Portraits of Margaret stamped K.& Co., Bells parents by Thomas Bock in crayon, watercolour, and oil the locket 5cm high overall. are held in private and institutional collections. The National MARGARET LOUISA BELL ne ROBERTSON (TasmaniaPortrait Gallery, Canberra, holds a daguerreotype portrait of & Melbourne, 1845-1921) was the daughter of WilliamMargarets father William Robertson; a gouache and chalk Robertson (1798-1874), a Tasmanian pastoralist and prominentportrait by Bock of Margaret Bells sister, Jessie Robertson Hobart merchant, and his wife Margaret ne Whyte(d. 1849); and two daguerreotypes of Margarets mother, (1811-1866). William Robertson was also an early explorer andMargaret Robertson: these were both taken about ten years pioneer in Victoria, and his property at Colac was one of theearlier than the photograph of her enclosed in Margaret Bells foremost cattle stations in Victoria. The family lived largely atgold locket. Most of the photographs which came with the Melrose, their Hobart residence, and at their farm at Crosslocket appear to be of the immediate family: Margaret and Marsh, Tasmania, until 1865 when they moved to Colac,George and their children, Charles (b.1866), Louisa Margaret Victoria. This was possibly due to Margarets marriage that(b.1867), Arthur (b.1869) and Harold Meredith (b.1880). year in Hobart to the Victorian pastoralist, George MeredithThe photographs of Margaret Bell from the mid-1860s Bell (1836-1898), who was the son of Captain John Bellonwards show her as a handsome and fashionable woman, (1790-1841) and his second wife Louisa Meredith (1808-1890)of erect posture, and with a taste for fine, gold jewellery of New Town near Hobart.pendant earrings, a large cross, a muff chain with fobs After Captain Bell died in 1841, George had become the wardand an array of brooches.of William Charles Wentworth, the explorer and politician.$2,0003,000George acquired large properties in the Southland district (New Zealand), paying 80,000 for the Waimea Plains estate in the late 1860s. He later sold the property to the New Zealand Agricultural Company and became its manager. The Bell family lived in New Zealand from about the 1870s, George founding the Southland Frozen Meat and Produce Export Company (1886). He died in 1898.'