b'4The Dr Jane Lennon CollectionJane Lennon has a PhD in art history from theAustralian colonial art in British archives and a University of Sydney. From 1985 to 1991 sheHarold Wright Scholarship for the study of prints worked as a researcher and staff writer at the Powerand drawings at the British Museum. After returning Institute of Fine Arts at the University of Sydneyto Australia, she worked as a staff writer for, and for Professor Joan Kerrs Dictionary of Australianco-editor of, The Australian Antique Collector and its Artists: Painters, Sketchers, Photographerssuccessor The World of Antiques and Art until 2003, and Engravers to 1870 (Melbourne 1992); fromwhen she purchased a rambling 1840s sandstone 1992-1993 she continued in the same roles forbuilding in Elizabeth Street, Hobart. Here Lennon Kerrs Heritage: The National Womens Art Booktraded by appointment in rooms on the first floor as (Melbourne 1995). She was a research consultantAncanthe [An-can-the], named for Lady Franklins for the Museum of Sydney in 1994 to1995 andMuseum (which opened in 1843 and still stands in this was followed by a stint as an assistant curatorLenah Valley, Hobart).at the Powerhouse Museum, researching anShe has written and lectured on Australian historical exhibition on the history of colonial gold held at thesubjects and currently has several long-gestating Mint Museum in Macquarie Street. research projects in progress. She is holding this During 1996 and 1997 she pursued a Churchillsale with the aim of it affording her the time and Fellowship that enabled her to investigate earlywherewithal to finally complete them.1'