b'80382CHARLES ALFRED WOOLLEY (1834-1922),WILLIAM LANNE (King Billy), and PATTY CLARK (Cooneana), circa 1880 albumen paper photographs, 16.5 x 15cm and 14.5 x 13.4cm respectively; individually laid down on cardboard mounts, the Lanne portrait with some pen annotations visible in lower right corner. (2).In August 1866 the Hobart photographer, CHARLES WOOLLEY took portraits in full face, three quarter face, and profile of the five surviving Oyster Cove Aboriginal people for the purpose of exhibiting them at the Melbourne International Exhibition later that year. His subjects were PATTY CLARK (Cooneana), Bessy Clark (Pinnano Bathac), Wapperty (Wonoteah Cootamenah), Lallah Rookh (Truganini) and William Lanne (King Billy). John Watt Beattie (1859-1930), who later purchased Woolleys negatives, made later reprints of the photographs.$300500 383THOMAS JETSON WASHBOURNE (1832-1905),Portrait of Neddy Mitchell with an animal fur draped over his shoulder, albumen paper photograph laid down on carte-de-visite size card, overall 9.5 x 6.2cm.There is no photographers imprint on the mount, but this image is known to be one of several portraits with similar backgrounds taken by Washbourne in the Murray River area, NSW, just across the river from Echuca, Victoria, in about 1867. The Pitt Rivers Museum holds Washbournes photograph of Neddy Mitchell standing and holding weaponry, which was evidently taken at the same sitting.$200300384 383PRINCESS OF WALES (Alexandra, wife of Edward, later King Edward VII), albumen paper photographs on two cartes-de-visite (one by Mayall); both titled in manuscript verso. (2). 385$80120THOMAS JETSON WASHBOURNE (1832-1905),stereoview card, QUEENS BRIDGE FROM NEWTOWN HILL, circa 1868, pair of albumen paper images, each approx. 80 x 70mm, mounted on a yellow card, 87 x 177mm overall, and verso with manuscript signature Washbourne Photo and titled Queens bridge from Newtown Hill.$200250 Ex 386'