b'109698 707 712JOHN CAMPBELL large green glazedFLORENCE ARCHER (Harvey School)JOHN CAMPBELL green glazed pottery pottery vase with two handles, pottery basket with mottled glaze andbowl,incised John Campbell, Tasmania, applied gumnuts and leaves, incised John Campbell,35cm high incised F. Archer, 1936, 10cm high, 22cm diameter$40060015cm high, 23cm wide $150250 $350450 699 713JOHN CAMPBELL blue glazed pottery708 ALISON DAVIDSON blue and mauve two handled vase, McHUGH Kelpie dog pottery doorstop, pottery vase,incised John Campbell, 1934, incised McHugh Tasmania, incised Allison Davidson, Melbourne,15.5cm high 23cm high, 34cm long 7cm high, 14cm diameter$150250$600800$600800 700 709 714McHUGH brown glazed pottery vaseHARVEY SCHOOL green glazed potteryEUNICE REID (HARVEY SCHOOL) with burgundy highlights, jug with burgundy highlights adornedhand-made pottery vase,incised H. McHugh, Tasmania, with gumnuts and leaves, incised E. R., 1922, Q.,11cm high incised monogram to base T.E., 8cm high, 17cm wide$10020013cm high $350450 $200300715701 NELL HOLDEN blue and burgundy McHUGH green and brown glazed710 glazed pottery vase with three applied pottery leaf plate, ARTIST UNKNOWN attractive twohandles,incised H. McHugh, Tasmania, handled pottery vase with hand-paintedincised gum leaf mark to base,24cm diameter mountain landscape scene, 14cm high$600800incised E. G. L., $300500 16.5cm high702 $6001,000 716JOHN CAMPBELL large brown andARTIST UNKNOWN hand-built pottery yellow glazed pottery vase with ribbed711 fruit bowl with applied grapes and decoration, JOHN CAMPBELL green glazed potteryleaves, glazed in MASHMAN style incised John Campbell, Tasmania, canoe vase with paddle decoration, finish and colourway,36cm high incised John Campbell, Tas, incised on the base (illegible),$60080013cm high, 29cm wide 10cm high, 23cm wide$500800$400600 703JOHN CAMPBELL blue glazed pottery vase with ribbed decoration and two applied handles,incised John Campbell, Tasmania,21cm high$250350 704JOHN CAMPBELL burgundy glazed pottery vase and a mottled glazed pottery vase, (2 items),incised John Campbell, Tasmania,9cm high$150250 705JOHN CAMPBELL green and yellow glazed pottery vase,incised John Campbell, 1946,34cm high$120200 706REGAL MASHMAN blue and brown glazed pottery vase with three handles,stamped Regal Mashman,20cm high$400600 710'