b'138910 913DAVID & HERMIA BOYD potteryARTHUR MERRIC BOYD & NEIL platter, sugar bowl, three lidded sugarDOUGLAS pottery plate with hand-basins and a lidded jug, (6 items), painted wildflowers and kangaroos in the platter 24cm diameter landscape,$100200incised A. M. B. and signed on both front and back Neil Douglas,911 21.5cm diameterARTHUR MERRIC BOYD unusual$150250 pottery plate with hand-painted sgraffito decoration of a locomotive914and tender in bush landscape, ARTHUR MERRIC BOYD incised Arthur Merric Boyd, set of ten harlequin 22cm diameter pottery ramekins,$250350incised A. M. B.,14.5cm wide (10)912 $150250 REG PRESTON pottery lidded jar with hand-painted decoration,signed Preston,18cm high$120200 929915DAVID & HERMIA BOYD two pottery teapots,incised or signed D.+ H. Boyd, Australia,37cm and 27cm high (2)$120200 916MARTIN BOYD pottery bowl with hand-painted portrait of a female carrying fruit,incised Martin Boyd,4.5cm high, 14cm diameter932 $150250 917SADIE KENNEDY pottery bowl with hand-painted romantic scene,incised S. Kennedy,5cm high, 17cm diameter$120200 918HERMIA BOYD hand-painted pottery dish with Greek classical figures,signed Hermia,19.5cm wide$120200 919ARTHUR MERRIC BOYD unusual pottery vase with sgraffito and hand-painted decoration,signed A. M. Boyd,8cm high, 13cm wide$300500 930'