b'68362 363362 AUGUST, 1871 and the second titled EDWARD KELLY, TASMANIAN CONVICT PHOTOGRAPH: A carte-de-visite,WHEN DISCHARGED FROM GAOL. FEBRUARY, 1874.annotated verso: 259. George Wilson, Ld Lyndock 3.While images of the heavily bearded Kelly are better known, Taken at Port Arthur 1874. these images of Ned Kelly as a teenager and at the age of George Wilson arrived in New South Wales on the 8th August20, are rarely seen. These two cartes-de-visite are the only 1838 aboard the Lord Lyndoch. He had been transported forexamples known to us of foreign interest in the Kelly Gang. life at the Glasgow Court of Justiciary. They record Kellys appearance before and after his longest $1,0001,500 stretch in prison.Kelly was born and raised in rural Victoria, the third of eight children to Irish parents. His father, a transported convict, died 363 in 1866, leaving 12-year-old Edward (Ned) as the eldest male TASMANIAN CONVICT PHOTOGRAPH: A carte-de-visite,of the household. The Kellys were a poor selector family who annotated verso: 312 + 313 Charles Ward or Hayes persaw themselves as downtrodden by the squattocracy and as Moffatt 2. Taken at Port Arthur 1874. victims of persecution by the Victoria Police. While a teenager, Ward (who called himself John) arrived aboard the Moffatt inKelly was arrested for associating with bushranger Harry May 1834, following his conviction at York. His sentence wasPower, and served two prison terms for a variety of offences, transportation for 14 years. the longest stretch being from 1871 to 1874 (as recorded in $1,0001,500 these images). He later joined the Greta Mob, a group of bush larrikins known for stock theft.364 A violent confrontation with a policeman occurred at the Kelly familys home in 1878, and Kelly was indicted for his TASMANIAN CONVICT PHOTOGRAPH: A carte-de-visite,attempted murder. Fleeing to the bush, he vowed to avenge annotated verso: Percy Westaway, Launceston. his mother, who was imprisoned for her role in the incident. Westaway, a native born 28 year old engine driver and miner,After he, his brother Dan, and associates Joe Byrne and Steve was found guilty of larceny at the Supreme Court LauncestonHart shot dead three policemen, the government of Victoria on 27th March 1890. He was imprisoned for 3 years. Theproclaimed them outlaws. In 1880, the gang tried to derail record shows that he was imprisoned for larceny again inand ambush a police train as a prelude to attacking Benalla, December 1916. but the police, tipped off, confronted them at Glenrowan. In $300500the ensuing gunfight, the outlaws wore armour fashioned from stolen plough mouldboards. Kelly, the only survivor, was severely wounded by police fire and captured. Despite 365 thousands of supporters attending rallies and signing a petition EDWARD (NED) KELLY CARTES-DE-VISITE, A pair offor his reprieve, Kelly was tried, convicted and sentenced to cartes-de-visite produced by Clifford, Morris & Co., Royaldeath by hanging, which was carried out at the Old Melbourne Arcade, Dunedin, the first depicting the sixteen year-oldGaol on 11 November 1880. Edward (Ned) Kelly was aged 25.EDWARD KELLY, WHEN RECEIVED INTO GAOL. 2ND$10,00015,000'