b'1461046 1054 1062MELROSE WARE group of six assortedMELROSE WARE group of four greenMELROSE WARE group of three green pottery vases in multi coloured glazes, glazed pottery vases, comprising twoglazed pottery two handled mantle the largest 13.5cm high (6) with fish decoration, one with kingfishervases,$200300decoration and one with gum leafstamped Melrose Ware, Australian,decoration, the largest 14cm high, 26cm wide (3)1047 the largest 21cm high (4) $150250 MELROSE WARE group of four blue$120200 glazed two handled pottery urns, 1063two examples stamped Melrose Ware,1055 MELROSE WARE group of three green Australian, MELROSE WARE group of six assortedglazed pottery mantle vases,the largest 14.5cm high, 27cm wide (4) pottery flower troughs in various glazes, the largest 21cm high (3)$250350the largest 32.5cm wide (6) $150250 $100200 1048 1064MELROSE WARE rare set of four1056 ELLIS pottery table lamp,harlequin glazed Art Deco potteryMELROSE WARE group of ten assorted50cm high overallbowls, pottery vases including unusual pair$120200 stamped Melrose Ware, Australian with mustard glaze, a rare orange glazed the largest 15cm high, 25cm diameterexample, decorated examples, mantle1065(4) vases and jardinire,$500800the largest 24cm high (10) MELROSE WARE pair of green glazed $100200pottery flower troughs,stamped Melrose Ware, Australian,1049 12cm high, 32cm wide (2)MELROSE WARE green glazed pottery1057 $120200 fruit bowl, together with three unusualMELROSE WARE group of six assorted triangular shaped vases, a crescentblue glazed pottery vases, one with1066shaped vase and a two handled vase,gum leaf decoration and another (6 items), example with green highlights, MELROSE WARE cream glazed stamped Melrose Ware, Australian the largest 26cm high (6) possum jug,the fruit bowl 28cm diameter $100200stamped Melrose Ware, Australian,$20030011cm high1058 $120200 1050 MELROSE WARE group of twelve MELROSE WARE pair of green glazedassorted green glazed pottery vases, 1067pottery tankards, pair of green glazedthe largest 27cm high (12) A green glazed pottery vase incised pottery flower troughs and a HOFFMAN$100200H. King, together with a blue basket green glazed pottery plate, (5 items), vase, a green canoe vase, and a the plate 24cm diameter Japanese art pottery vase with banded 1059 decoration, (4 items),$150250MELROSE WARE nine assortedthe largest 25cm highunglazed, unfinished or hand-painted$120200 1051 examples,MELROSE WARE pair of green glazedthe largest 10.5cm high (9) 1068pottery jardinires, together with$100200 a green glazed pottery fruit bowl,MELROSE WARE green glazed (3 items), kangaroo bowl and four green glazed the bowl 23cm diameter 1060 pottery vases, A/F, (5 items),$150250MELROSE WARE group of fourfactory mark to base,assorted pottery vases glazed in blue,the bowl 11cm high, 25cm widegreen and purple, $400600 1052 three examples stamped MELROSE WARE six assorted greenMelrose Ware, Australian, 1069glazed pottery vases and bowls withthe largest 22cm high (4)gumnut and gum leaf decoration, $100200MELROSE WARE blue glazed pottery the largest 24cm high (6) mantle vase,$100200stamped Melrose Ware, Australian,1061 29cm highMELROSE WARE group of five$150250 1053 assorted green glazed pottery vases,MELROSE WARE group of ten assortedfour examples stamped1070green and brown glazed pottery vasesMelrose Ware, Australian,and flower troughs adorned with gumthe largest 22.5cm high (5) MELROSE WARE cream glazed pottery leaves, gumnuts and orchids, $120200two handled mantle vase,the trough 24.5cm wide (10) stamped Melrose Ware, Australian,$10020024cm high$120200 '