b'1691196 1203RMIT GALLERY: 1978 - 1982 collection of original screen- Thomas BEWICK, A General History of Quadrupeds. The printed posters, comprising of August 1978 Africa andfigures engraved on wood. [Newcastle Upon Tyne : T. Bewick Oceania (accompanied by original felt-tipped pen conceptand S. Hodgson], 5th ed., 1807, 525pp + 1 advert., early full drawing), July-August 1980 Islamic Art, October 1980leather (defective); text pages complete.Ken Whisson - Selected Paintings, July 1981 Selected$100150 Paintings from Victoria C.A.E. Collections, October 1981 Animals & Animism in Australian Art, June 1983 Ancient1204Middle Eastern Ceramics, and, April-May 1984 Jan Senbergs - Selected Works, all in superb condition. (8 items);STATISTICAL RETURNS OF VAN DIEMENS LAND, from the largest 84 x 60cm. 1824 to 1839, [Hobart Town : William Gore Ellison, 1839], $600800original blue card covers, vellum spine, the text on pale blue watermarked stock.1197 $300500 MILDURA: 1205Photographic poster titled Mildura, Victoria, Australia. Visit the sunshine tourist centre of Sunraysia. ALEXANDER MCLEAY, COLONIAL SECRETARY, April 1829Published by the Ministry of Tourism - Victoria, Australia. A printed document, titled SMALL GRANT signed by Alex 99 x 63.5cm Mcleay and headed Colonial Secretarys Office, Sydney 22nd $200300April, 1831 and addressed to John Francis Evan, confirms that Evans request of the Governor for Sixty Acres of Land has been agreed to in the County of Cook, Parish unnamed, 1198 at Kurrajong: bounded on the West by Smiths and Nashs SUNBURY: Farms. The details of the Crowns retained rights over Illustrated poster titled Emu Bottom. Victorias Oldestwater, creeks, mines of gold, silver and coals and the right to Homestead. circa 1836. construct roads and bridges, make interesting reading.63 x 48.5cm $300500 $75100 12061199 [1835-36 VAN DIEMENS LAND]CANBERRA: A leather-bound collection of Acts of Parliament, promulgated Photographic poster titledduring the Lieutenant-Governorship of George Arthur and Discover a different Australia. Canberra. covering issues to do with fishing and whaling, the supply of Published by Canberra Tourist Bureaupure water to Hobart, the erection of fences, the effectual (Department of the Interior) punishment of transported offenders, promoting the Printed by Leigh-Mardon Pty Limited. circulation of the Calcutta Rupee, etc.99 x 63.5cm Considerable staining throughout.$200300$100200 1207Books & Historical Documents THE SYDNEY MONITOR early Sydney newspaper: four complete editions of 1836 (Sept.24, Nov.16 and Nov.18) plus 1839 (Oct.21). Extremely scarce survivors, with interesting 1200 advertisements, notices, offers of reward for stolen goods, JOSEPH ADDISON, The Spectator - Parsons Edition ofdetails of ships in harbour, police notices, news from the other Select British Classics, [London : J. Parsons, 1793] in 8 vols.;colonies, etc. (4).12mo., contemporary full calf; spines with red labels, gilt.The newspaper was first published on 19 May 1826, by 20th century owners stamp on all 8 titles. Edward Smith Hall and Arthur Hill. The Monitor was not $200250without controversy in the colony, publicly taking up the cause of the poor and convicts with a motto that nothing extenuate 1201 nor set down aught in malice and being openly critical of the THE NAVAL CHRONICLE containing a General andgoverning authorities.Biographical History of the Royal Navy of the United Kingdom;$300400 with a Variety of Original Papers on Nautical Subjects, under the Guidance of Several Literary and Professional1208Men, volumes 1-30, London: Burmey & Gold, [1799-1808],THE AUSTRALIAN early Sydney newspaper: three numerous aquatint & engraved plates, folding maps andcomplete editions of 1836 (Oct.14 and Nov.18) plus 1845 bookplate (some missing). Full brown morocco with five raised(July 22). Extremely scarce survivors, with shipping bands to the spines. Condition mixed, some boards unhinged,movements, race meeting notices, reward notices, auction rubbing, chipping and leather deterioration visible throughout,notices, foreign news, news of the mayoralties of Sydney and fair condition (30) Melbourne, etc. (3).$6001,000The first issue of The Australian appeared on Thursday, 14 October 1824. The owners of the newspaper were two 1202 lawyers, Robert Wardell and William Charles Wentworth.Terre de Diemen, $250350 hand-coloured engraving,17 x 23cm, 39 x 48cm overall$150250 '