b'43208 218A Georgian ships carafe and a sphericalAn antique jarrah fid, Western Australian carafe,18th/19th century, origin, 19th/20th century,23 and 28cm high (2) 43cm long$120200$120200 209 219A vintage glass fishing buoy in ropeH.M.S. HERO Australian wool work netting, 20th century, tapestry, 19th century,32cm diameter 59 x 72cm overall$150250$400500 210 220An antique carved whaleboneA scrimshaw whales tooth with fid hand-tool, naive portrait of a sailor,8.5cm high 11.5cm high$150250$250350 211 221Antique whalebone and ebonyTwo antique hand-painted pearl dominoes in vintage case, 19th century, shells, Western Australian origin, the case 18cm wide 19th/20th century,$15025014cm and 15cm wide (2)$120200 212An antique crescent shaped flensing222blade, 19th century, A collection of early silver gelatin prints 21cm long, 19.85cm wide of sailing ships in Port Philip Bay, all $200300titled verso including John Williams, Glen Lora, Senorita, and Star of214213 Bengal, (17 items),each approximately 10 x 14cm.An antique swordfish bill, 19th century, $150200 95cm long 225$200300223 A group of assorted antique Whalebone and ebony dominoes inwhalebone crochet needles and hooks, 214 timber box, 19th century, 18th and 19th century, (45 items),A scrimshaw bodkin case engravedthe box 16.5cm wide the largest 13cm longwith whaling scene and lighthouse, $120200$200300 11.5cm high$300500 224 226A scrimshaw cow horn decorated withAn antique Australian timber pond yacht 215 an anchor and flowers, on stand, early 20th century,Six assorted antique whalebone29cm long 65cm high, 53cm longbodkins, $120200$150250 the largest 9cm long (6)$120200 216Thirteen assorted carved whalebone and mother of pearl antique spoons and forks,the largest 12cm high (13)$120200 217Fifteen assorted antique whalebone crochet hooks and bodkins with steel tips, including one mother of pearl example, 19th century,the largest 15.5cm high (15)$150250 197'