b'1611147 northern boundary of the Colony, it technically did not exist, EDWARD STANFORD, as all of the northern and central regions of Australia were actually considered to be part of that colony. This situation The Australian Colonies, hand-coloured steelwould remain until June 6, 1859, when the new colony of engraved map, early 1859, Queensland was created, moving the northern border of published by he Society for the DiffusionNew South Wales considerably further to the south. It seems of Useful Knowledge (SDUK), that the present map was made in the months leading up to 40 x 67.5cm; mounted. the creation of Queensland, when officials in London were A rare 1859 map of Australia, depicting a very unusualstill debating the location of the future boundary between and short-lived interval in the internal territorialNew South Wales and its anticipated neighbour to the north.evolution of Australia. The other curious feature of the map is that New South Wales This fascinating map shows Australia as it appeared in thereaches all the way around South Australia to form a narrow early months of 1859, featuring a peculiar combination ofstrip between Western Australia and South Australia. This interim inter-colonial boundaries. It is one of the only maps toirregular and impractical formation would remain in place until show this arrangement, which existed for only a few months.1860, when the western boundary of South Australia was The northern boundary of New South Wales (coloured inmoved westwards from 132 to 129 East, so as to form a yellow) is defined at 26 South, a line which really was onlydirect border with Western Australia. The map also features officially observed from February 1846 to April 1847. Whilea large inset of Tasmania, which was only renamed from its this ghost boundary had since been considered the unofficialoriginal name, Van Diemans Land, in 1856.$30050011461147'