b'64349 351348 The Convict Ship Equestrian made three trips to Van FROM SLAVE-OWNERS IN GRENADA TO POLICEDiemens Land, the January 1844 journey with 291 convicts MAGISTRATE IN HOBART - Letters to William Tarleton, 1839on board. The later voyages were in 1845 and 1852.to 1847: $1,0001,500 A recently discovered group of six outer covers and entries, addressed to William Tarleton from various family members349and associates: A receipt dated 25 June 1819, issued by the Chief Officer 1: June 1839 entry from Liverpool to Tarleton at the Mountat Calcutta acknowledging receipt from on board the Ship Pleasant Estate, Carriacou, GRENADA; rated 2/3, endorsedSt. Michaelthe following ten European Convicts, for p. Packet of 30 June and with Liverpool and LondonNew South Wales, with one pr of leg irons and one pr of postmarks. A long and detailed cross-written letter fromHandcuffs for each, with locks and keys. Then follow the John B. Moore. names, which include George Laurent, Thomas Pembroke 2: Nov. 1840 outer cover (with part letter) to Tarleton at theand James Lee, who are all recorded arriving in VDL on 9th Mount Pleasant Estate; rated 1/-, endorsed By Pkt: Dec:1.Nov.1819. The other names listed (James Holmes, Michael 1840 with CAMBRIDGE postmark. A letter from his sister,OBrien, John Howlett, etc.).Charlotte Hodgson, reporting on a suicide. $5007503: Jan. 1844 envelope and detailed cross-written letter from England to Tarlton, now Assistant Police Magistrate, Hamilton,350Van Diemens Land. The envelope endorsed By Convict ShipTHE PRINCIPAL SUPERINTENDENT AT LAUNCESTON Equestrian Jan: 16th 1844 with CHESTER, SHIPLETTERREPORTS ON TWO ABSCONDERS - December 1825.and LONDON postmarks. 23rd Dec.1825 letter from John Lakeland, Superintendent 4: Nov. 1845 envelope and letter from England, addressedat Launceston, to A.W. H. Humphrey, Superintendent of as above; the envelope endorsed Ship Letter and ByPolice advising that two prisoners - Michael Moven and Private Ship with CAMBRIDGE and LONDON SHIP LETTERJames Walmsley had absconded from the public works at postmarks. Launceston, and cannot now be found.5: Mar. 1847 envelope and large part-letter, addressed toMichael Moven had arrived in March 1817 aboard Tarleton as Police Magistrate, Launceston; the envelopeSir William Bensley, sentenced to transportation for life.endorsed March 15th. Pr Commodore Ship Letter Paid andJames Walmsley had arrived in December 1821 aboard with CHESTER, LONDON & LAUNCESTON postmarks. Claudine, sentenced to transportation for 7 years. He had 6: Aug. 1847 envelope (very defective), address to Tarletonbeen found guilty of stealing 23.at Launceston, with CHESTER, LONDON, SHIP LETTER and$300400 LAUNCESTON postmarks. The letter (dated Sept.26) may not have arrived in this envelope.'