b'85467 474A natural gold nugget specimenAntique Chinese banjo gold (1.7 grams), together with a naturalscales, 19th century,gold ore specimen, plus a silver ore35cm longspecimen, (3 items), $120200 the largest 3.5cm wide$400600475An antique iron strongbox, 468 (locked), 19th century.An antique miners pick with penPurported to be ex Cobb & Co.inscription Gold Miners Pic,29cm high, 40cm wide, Ballarat, Victoria, 33cm deep69cm high, 30cm wide PROVENANCE$100200Private Collection, Bendigo$250350469Two natural gold ore specimens, 476 464the larger 2.5cm wide (2) An 1866 Sydney Mint gold sovereign$150250$1,2002,000 470 477An attractive natural gold and480quartz ore mineral specimen, A 1907 gold sovereign with pendantVICTORIAN GOLDFIELDS: An October 3cm wide, 34.3 grams total mounting, together with a 1915 gold1885 GOLD-FIELDS RESIDENCE ANDhalf sovereign with pendant mountingCULTIVATION LICENCE for 20 acres $1,5002,500and an 1887 gold half sovereign with shield back (3 items), in the Parish of Koorch in the County 471 17.7 grams total of Gladstone, to be leased to DONALD $2,0003,000STEWART of Avoca for 2 per annum.Assorted gold ore specimens,$100200 housed in an antique agate box,the box 6.5cm wide 478 481$200300An 1879 Melbourne Mint sovereign$1,0001,500VIEW OF BALLAARAT, VICTORIA, 472 AUSTRALIA. 1887 colour lithograph panoramic view of Ballarat,Assorted natural gold specimens, 479 attractively framed and mounted, 18.6 grams total A South African one pond 22ct gold coin53 x 109cm overall$1,5002,500mounted as a pendant, $250350 8.1 grams total473 $1,0001,500 Assorted natural gold and quartz ore specimens,the largest 3.5cm wide$6001,000 475'