b'1601138 1144ALEXANDER HOGG, A.K. JOHNSTON,Chart of Van Diemens Land, AUSTRALIA, circa 1850,[London, circa 1784), steel engraving with borders hand-coloured,engraved by T. Bowen for A New Accurate.and Complete50 x 61cm; mounted.History of a Voyage Round the World., $100150 2 examples, one attractively hand-coloured,each approx. 23 x 39cm. (2). 1145$200300JOHN TALLIS,1139 Polynesia, or Islands in the Pacific Ocean.R. BONNE [1727-94] steel engraved map by J. Rapkin, 1851,Nlle galles Meridle [i.e. Nouvelle galles Meridionale], ou, Cotewith four lovely vignette views by H. Warren, Orientale de la Nouvelle Hollande / par M. Bonne, Ingenieur- with subtle contemporary hand-colouring,Hydrographe de la Marine [Paris, 1788]. 35 x 25cm. Tooley 233. from Montgomery Martins Illustrated Atlas,The main map shows the track of Cooks first voyage along26.5 x 35.5cm; mounted.the east coast of Australia in the Endeavour (Pt. Hicks 20 April$150200 1770 - Cape York Aug. 1770.). The Van-Diemen inset shows the tracks of HMS Adventure under the command of Furneaux1146when separated from Cook during his second voyage in 1773.JAMES WYLD, map of South Australia, New South Wales, With insets: Partie de la cote de la Nouvelle Galles MridionaleVan Diemens Land, and Settled parts of Australia. Esquisse de la Terre Van-Diemen Baie Botanique EntreRespectfully dedicated to Major Sir T.L. MitchellSurveyor de la Rivire Endeavour. General of New South Wales, [London, circa 1848], $200300engraved map with contemporary hand-colouring,1140 61 x 93cm; mounted.With inserts of Sydney, Adelaide, Western Australia and John ARROWSMITH & Matthew FLINDERS Tasmania.Chart of TERRA AUSTRALIS. East Coast - Sheet V, $500800by M. Flinders, Commr of H.M. Sloop Investigator 1802-1803,copper engraving, published by G. & W. Nicol, London, 1814, (1st edition),47 x 64cm; mounted.Map of the north-east coast of Queensland from Cape Grafton to Cape Flattery showing track of Investigator in 1802 and part of track of Cumberland in 1803. Relief shown by hachures and bathymetric soundings.$500750 1141John ARROWSMITH & Matthew FLINDERSChart of TERRA AUSTRALIS. South Coast - Sheet IV,by M. Flinders, Commr of H.M. Sloop Investigator 1802,copper engraving, published by G. & W. Nicol, London, 1814, (1st edition),64 x 47cm; mounted.Map of the coast of South Australia and part of Victoria from Cape Bernouilli to Cape Otway showing track of Investigator, 1802. Relief shown by hachures and bathymetric soundings.$5007501142C.V. MONINOceanie par C.V.Monin, 1834,steel engraved map of Australasia and Polynesia, with large insert map of New South Wales,from Atlas Classique de la Geographie Ancienne et Moderne,28 x 40cm; mounted.$100150 1143ALEXANDRE EMILE LAPIE,Carte De LOceanie - Contenant LAustralie, La Polynesie et Les Isles Asiatiques[Paris, 1842],copper engraved, with some hand-colouring,40 x 55cm; mounted.$2002501141'