b'129831 833832 834 836WILLIAM RICKETTS pottery coolamonWILLIAM RICKETTS freestandingWILLIAM RICKETTS pottery wall with three aboriginal faces and branchpottery sculpture of an Aboriginalplaque of an Aboriginal elder,handle, elder, with young face on reverse,incised Wm. Ricketts,incised Wm. Ricketts, Pottersand inscribed To Ted and family from25cm highSanctuary, Mt. Dandenong, brother Billy to enrich an everlasting$600800 11cm high, 31cm wide friendship, Alice Springs, 1954,$1,0001,500 47cm high$2,0003,000 833WILLIAM RICKETTS rare pottery tree835stump teapot with koala and branchWILLIAM RICKETTS pottery wall handle, plaque of a childs face,incised Potters Sanctuaryincised Wm. Ricketts, Australia,Mt. Dandenong, together with a27cm highWilliam Ricketts Sanctuary booklet,$8001,200 (2 items),the teapot 20cm high$6,0008,000832'