b'1741237[INSCRIBED TO PROFESSOR W. BALDWIN SPENCER]Robert M. JOHNSTON,Systematic Account of the GEOLOGY OF TASMANIA,[William Strutt, Government Printer, Hobart; 1888], large 4to,1st ed. 408pp, images throughout the text, large coloured folding map, tinted lithographic plates, plus all plates and keys; half-calf and cloth covered boards, gilt rules and lettering to spine.Endorsed to blank endpaper To Professor W. Baldwin Spencer M.A., with the authors kindest regards. Hobart, Jany 1890$1,0001,5001238FREDERIC B. SCHELL (19th century),I.)Melbourne From The Yarra,II.)Circular Quay From The Harbour,hand-coloured engravings in cedar frames,44 x 55cm each overall (2)$150250 1239Michael DAVITT, M.P.,Life and Progress in Australasia,[London : Methuen & Co., 1898, 1st ed.],xx, 471pp, adverts (40pp) and two maps,blue buckram with gilt titles to spine.$100150 1240Richard GARNETT (ed.),The International Library of Famous 1233 Literature, [London : The Standard, 1900], in 20 half-leather bound volumes, with nearly 500 full-page illustrations and 1233 colour plates.Robert Mackenzie JOHNSTON, General and Critical$200300 Observations on THE FISHES OF TASMANIA with a Classified Catalogue of all the known Species. [Hobart : Royal Society1241of Tasmania; 1882], p.[53]-143; endorsed to front cover J.R.Circa 1900 - 1920s collection of sheet music, mostly Atkinson Esq., with the authors compls 20.4.83; 8vo.,Australian publishers, including several World War One paper covers. patriotic and some attractive illustrated Ferguson lists Johnstons 1890 revision as #10968m. examples (50+).$150250 $200300 1234 1242[SOUTH AUSTRALIA INTEREST] A good range of booksBALDWIN SPENCER & F.J. GILLEN, including Notable South Australians by Loyau (1885,The NORTHERN TRIBES of CENTRAL 2 examples, one lacks Sweet albumen print), TheAUSTRALIA, [London : Macmillan & Constitutional History of South Australia by Finniss (1886),Co., 1904 1st ed.] 784pp plus plates, The South Australian Company by Sutherland (1898),a map, etc.Nomenclature of South Australia by Cockburn (1908),$200300 and others, all hard cover. (Total: 16).$25035012431235 WALHALLA & GOLD MINING: Nine postcards including Chinese H. CHOMONDELEY-PENNELL, Gardens, Walhalla; Waterwheel, FISHING - Pike and Other Coarse Fish [2nd ed. 1886] Walhalla; Conlans Star Hotel; Pack and FISHING - Salmon and Trout [3rd ed. 1887]; Horses, Walhalla; Above The Clouds, [London : Longmans, Greenand Co.], 2 vols.,Sunrise On Mt. Baw Baw; two Walhalla half calf and buckram. (2). montage cards; Gold Diggers Hut, $100150Victoria and Ford Street, Beechworth; together with four cabinet portrait size 1236 albumen photographs of groups of CASSELLS PICTURESQUE AUSTRALASIA edited by E.E.miners (14 items)Morris, [London : Cassell & Co., 1887-89]; 4 vols., original red$120200 cloth covered boards, with gilt and black titles and decorations. (4).$1502501237'