b'1591135Maps1134 1136FRANCOIS VALENTIJN (1666-1727), Robert BENARD after James COOK: Carte de Ia Nle. Anthony Van Diemens Land, Galles Meridle. ou de la Cote Orientale de la Nle. Hollande dcouverte et visite par le Lieutenant J. Cook, Commandant copper plate engraving, 1726, de lEndeavour, vaisseau de sa Majest en 1770 [in French, depicting the scene described in Abel Tasmans journal onParis, 1774]. 37 x 78cm. Outline colour.25th November 1642, A map of New South Wales, or the east coast of New Holland image 13 x 17cm; whole page 34 x 21cm. from Prince of Wales Isles to Point Hicks showing the track of This land being the first land we have met with in the Souththe Endeavour. Depths shown by soundings in fathoms.Sea and not known to any European nation, we have conferred$350450 on it the name of Anthoony Van Diemenslandt in honour of the Honourable Governor-General, our illustrious master,1137who sent us to make this discovery GIOVANNI ANTONIO REMONDINI: NOUVELLE MAPPE $400600MONDE dediee au progres de nos connoissances; a 1135 striking decorative map of the World, oriented to show the Hemisphere Marine (Southern Hemisphere) and BELLIN, Jacques Nicolas [1703-1772], Hemisphere Terrestre (Northern Hemisphere) originally Carte Reduite Des Terres Australes pour servir aissued by Charles Pierre Boullanger and later by Santini in lhistoire des Voyages / par le Sr. Bellin, Ing. de la1776 and Remondini in 1784. Hand-coloured. 49.5 x 68.5cm.marine de la Societe Royale de Londres & ca. 1753; The map includes a massive Bay of the West and partial coastlines of New Zealand and Australia. No sign of the 22 x 29.5cm (plate size); framed, 50 x 57cm overall. discovery of Antarctica. Paris is at the centre of the right Original copperplate engraved map of a Reduced Chart ofsphere, so that Europe, Asia, Africa, North America and most the Southern Lands by Jacques Nicolas Bellin for Prevostsof South America appear together: the left sphere contains LHistoire Generale des Voyages (General History of Voyages)Patagonia, New Holland and the East Indian Islands. Thus published in Paris in 1753. Published nearly 20 years prior toSantini could name the two halves Hemisphere Maritime and Cooks discovery of the east coast in 1770, Bellin used aHemisphere Terrestre. Australia and New Zealand are only dotted line for his theories of the east coast of Australia, joiningshown partially (despite Cooks discoveries); the erroneous Van Diemens Land to Espiritu Santu (New Hebrides) and PapuaMer de LOuest appears in northwest America, with a large New Guinea and New Britain. Along this imagined coast BellinI. Nouvelle just south of the Bering Straits.wrote (in French) I suppose that the land of Diemen could join$1,2002,000 with the land of the Holy Ghost but (this is) without proof.$1,5002,500'