b'1731228 12301227 1229James BONWICK STATISTICS OF THE COLONY OF TASMANIA FOR THE JOHN BATMAN, THE FOUNDER OF VICTORIA, YEAR 1876. [Hobart Town : James Barnard, Govt Printer], [Melbourne : Ferguson and Moore, 2nd ed. 1868], 218pp; lacks rear paper cover.duodecimo, 106pp + intro pages and adverts, $100150 includes a new 12-page section tipped in before the original preface; decorated green stippled cloth with gilt lettering.1230The front flyleaf is inscribed to The Hon. George Verdon with the Authors respects. [BY A RECENT SETTLER] EMIGRATION TO TASMANIA, Sir George Frederic Verdon (1834-96), became treasurer in theDedicated to the sober and industrious toilers of the land, Heales Government in 1860; the next year his protectionistwhether in town or Country, struggling for a livelihood, without budget led to the governments defeat. In June 1863 hehope of rising in the social scale. [London : A.H. Moxon, 1879, became treasurer in McCullochs ministry. As public opinion1st ed.], 119pp including a chapter titled Advice to the higher changed from free trade Verdon resubmitted another mildlyclasses. 8vo. stiff salmon boards. An unlisted variant to protective budget in 1864. Verdon was a member of the royalFerguson 14764.commission on fine arts. He was also concerned about the$200300defencelessness of Port Phillip. He went to London in 1866 and obtained from the colonial secretary, the H.M.S. Nelson1231as a training ship, and 100,000 towards the cost of theDavid BLAIR, The History of Australasia from the first dawn armour-plated monitor Cerberus. He acquired the esteem andof Discovery in the Southern Ocean to the Establishment respect of everyone, got agreement for a Melbourne branchof Self-Government in the various Colonies. Comprising the of the Royal Mint and negotiated a loan. Awarded a C.B., hesettlement and History of New South Wales, Queensland, remained treasurer until March 1868 and in August sailed forWestern Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. Together with London as Victorias first agent-general. some account of Fiji and New Guinea. [Glasgow : McGready, $300400 Thomson & Niven, 1879, 1st ed.], 711pp; full black leather with gilt decorations to front, gilt titles and tooling to spine with five 1228 raised bands. Full gilt edging; original yellow endpapers.Edwin Carton BOOTH, AUSTRALIA ILLUSTRATED$150200 with Drawings by Skinner Prout, N. Chevalier, &c.&c. [London : Virtue & Co., 1873-76, 1st ed.] in 2 vols.,1232original half-leather and blue buckram, with gilt titles,[ARCHITECTURE] VILLA AND COTTAGE ARCHITECTURE page edges and borders to spines. : Select examples of Country and Suburban Residences $300400 Recently Erected., [London : Blackie & Son, 1880], 112pp plus plates. (lacks one plate); folio, half calf, gilt lettering to spine.$100150 '