b'42200195 202 205A scrimshaw whales tooth withA scrimshaw whales tooth with tallshipA scrimshaw whales tooth engraved engraved female portrait with remainsdecoration, with a tallship titled CLIPPER,of hand-coloured finish, 7cm long 13cm long13cm high$500800$120200$400600 196 203 206GARY TONKIN scrimshaw whalesA scrimshaw whales tooth engravedA scrimshaw whales tooth tooth engraved with scene of a motherwith farming scene, engraved with tallship titled whale and calf, signed lower right16.5cm long LADY SHORE, 1797,G. TONKIN, 98, $50080013.5cm longan impressive 17cm long $500800 $2,5003,500204A scrimshaw whales tooth engraved207197 with two views of a tallship, A sawfish rostrum display TABUA antique whale tooth pendant15.5cm long mounted on wooden stand,engraved with the letter T,$40060062cm highsuspended on original woven fibre rope,$500800 19th century,the tooth 16cm long$6001,000198TABUA Fijian chieftains antique whales tooth pendant, 19th century,15cm long$400600199A scrimshaw whales tooth engraved with tallship and floral border,15cm long$500800200A scrimshaw whales tooth engraved with whaling scene,13cm long$500800201A scrimshaw whales tooth depicting a whaling scene and tallship on reverse,13.5cm long$500800 198 199'