b'87Silver503 504 506WILLIAM EDWARDS of MelbourneTHE SUBURBAN CHALLENGE CUPAn antique silver trophy cup, engraved fine quality wine ewer with repousseAustralian silver cricket trophy cup andPresented To Henry J. Ibbottson Esq. decoration, applied grapes and leavescover, most likely the work of HENRYby John Henry Wilton as a slight token and original stopper, 19th century, YOUNG of Collingwood in Melbourne,of the gratitude he felt for the kindness stamped W.E. flanked by kangaroocirca 1870s. and attention paid him in the time of and emu marks, 23cm high, 222 grams danger and distress, November 1847,36.5cm high, 754 grams. $8001,200later weighted base and damage to William Edwards was the son ofstem,a London based silversmith and505 16.5cm highimmigrated to Melbourne in 1857, soonHENRY STEINER of Adelaide,$200300 becoming the citys leading silversmith,Australian silver mounted emu until his death in 1889. egg vase, 19th century, 507$6,00010,000 stamped H. SteinerAustralian silver mounted emu egg with pictorial marks, trophy with emu finial, engraved 27cm high Presented to Dr. Williamson in grateful $3,0005,000remembrance of his extreme kindness to a beloved mother, T. W. B., 1875, South Australian origin, 19th century,23.5cm high$6001,000503 507'