b'122775REMUED green and brown glazed pottery vase with applied koala, branch handle and incised decoration,signed Remued,10cm high, 13cm wide$6001,000776REMUED pink and olive-green glazed pottery jug with applied gumnuts, leaf and twig decoration,incised Remued,11.5cm high$350450 777REMUED pottery vase with applied775gumnuts, leaves and branch handle,incised Remued, Hand Made, 189M,20cm high 780$8001,200 REMUED green and yellow glaze 778 pottery jug with purple highlights, adored with applied grapes and leaf REMUED brown and green glazedwith branch handle,pottery jug with applied gumnuts,incised Remued, Hand Made, 133, leaves and branch handle, with original foil label, 782incised Remued, Hand Made, 54/81, 25cm high ALLAN JAMES rare blue and pink 22cm high $1,2001,500pottery jug with brown highlights, $8001,200decorated with applied gumnuts, 781 leaves and branch handle,779 incised A. James, 1933,REMUED green glazed pottery jug withREMUED blue and green glazed23cm high.orange highlights, adorned with appliedpottery vase with applied gumnuts,Illustrated in Australian Art Pottery gumnuts, leaf and branch handle, leaves and branch handle, 1900-1950 plate 57.incised Remued, 54LM, incised Remued, Hand Made,$4,0006,00024cm high 300LM,$1,0001,500an imposing 23cm high, 20.5cm wide 783$2,5003,500RUMUED green glazed pottery jug with applied gumnuts and leaf with branch handle,incised Remued, Hand Made, 173S,6.5cm high, 12.5cm wide$400600 784REMUED blue and yellow glazed pottery jug with applied gumnuts, leaves and branch handle,incised Remued, Hand Made, 153M,19.5cm high$500800785REMUED rare pottery trough, glazed in pink, green, brown and cream,incised Remued,first example seen in our rooms,7.5cm high, 23cm wide$250350 786REMUED pottery vase with impressive early pink and yellow glaze,incised Remued,19.5cm high$250350 777'