b'1781267[FISHING] C. FARLOW & CO. The Angling Specialists, Catalogue of High-class Fishing Tackle, [London : circa 1930] with colour plates of flies.$100150 1268SIR ERNEST HENRY WREFORD (18661938)January 1932, illuminated leather-bound presentation to Wreford on the Jubilee of his association with the National Bank of Australasia; presented by the members of the National Bank Staff Club: congratulations upon the completion of your fiftieth year of service with the Bank, and we express our sincere hopes that you and Mrs. Wreford may be granted long lifealso, a leather-bound dinner menu on the April 1935 occasion of a dinner at the Australian Club to celebrate Wrefords retirement as Chief Manager of The National Bank of Australasia and after his 53 years with the bank.With 52 signatures, including Sir Harry Chauvel, Sir James Elder, Sir Frank Clarke, David York Syme, Harry Gordon Darling, and others associated with Wrefords long career.Both items with gilt decorations and embossed with Wrefords initials.PROVENANCEThe Estate of E.H. Wreford; thence, the family,by descent. (2)Ex 1270 $1,0002,000 1266 1269KEEROONGOOLOO STATION, SOUTH-WEST QUEENSLAND [TRADE CATALOGUE] PFLUEGER Fishing Tackle Trade An archive of objects and documents from the estate ofCatalog No.53, [Akron, Ohio., U.S.A.], 1932, 236pp., complete.Amy Howard Birt, whose family were owners of the huge$100150 station in the early 1900s. The earliest item present is a carte-de-visite size albumen print titled Cookie & Amy1270annotated verso Black nurse Cookie & Amy Howard Birt;MANUSCRIPTS : A Miscellany of Art and Letters No.7 a larger original photograph is annotated Darwin Blacks &[November 1933, The Hassell Press, Adelaide]; 88pp, cousin Edith Hartwell; another original photograph is titledfeaturing several bookplates by Adrian Feint and two Keeroongooloo Blacks. A small image titled Householdwoodcuts by MARGARET PRESTON (Australian Rock Lily help, Kooroonglu Stn 1900s appears to be a circa 1940sat p.15; and Chorozema at p.22), neither of which are known print. There is also a large reproduction of an early photographelsewhere. With original black wrappers (defects).of the Station buildings. Other items include a Blacks letter$500750stick from Keeroongooloo Station, Coopers Creek, a small tin containing pieces of ochre, a leather case (for paperwork) signed by Amy Howard Birt, Keeroongooloo Station, two1271associated boomerangs with incised decorations, a GulmariTHE 1934-35 CENTENARY OF VICTORIA & MELBOURNE:wood shield with incised decoration and remains of ochreA file box containing a fascinating assembly of letters, colour, and a throwing club with incised decoration. invitations, programmes and other publications including the The earlier history of the Station is important. For thousandsCENTENARY JOURNAL Souvenir Edition of May 1934; of years the area was part of the land of the Bidia People. InProgramme VISIT TO VICTORIA of His Royal Highness The the late 1860s, British pastoralist, John Costello, laid claim toDuke of Gloucester; Opening Ceremony by HRH Prince the area which became known as the Keeroongooloo pastoralHenry at Parliament House, Oct. 18th 1934; Centenary station. Costello offered up part of his lease to his cook andThanksgiving Service, 14th October 1934 at the M.C.G.; The associate James Scanlan who named that part Springfield.MacRobertson Girls High School Official Opening by H.R.H. Keeroongooloo itself was initially stocked by John BlighThe Duke of Gloucester, 7th Nov. 1934; Centenary Gift Nutting and Robert Doyle in 1871. Nutting was an ex-NativeBook; The Centenary Air Race Chart; Special Conferring Police officer, and after a skirmish with the natives overof Degree at the University of Melbourne, 7th Nov. 1934; the killing of cattle, his stockmen cleared the niggers offthe Tour Itinerary for the Scottish Delegation; Souvenir View Keeroongooloo by shooting at them. The Aboriginal populationBook of Melbourne and Victoria; Gala Performance at His on Keeroongooloo at the time of British colonisation wasMajestys Theatre, etc. (25 different items).estimated to be in the hundreds. From the estate of Major-General Walter Coxen (1870 - 1949).Another part of the lease, which was known as Wombinderry,$250350 was taken up by Alexander Reid in 1871. Reid established a horse breeding enterprise at Wombinderry (also known1272as Wombundarry waterhole) and in early 1872, one of hisCirca 1934 printed ticket stub Souvenir of Flight in the stockmen named Maloney was killed by Bidia people forMonoplane Southern Cross, together with a small photograph shooting at them and killing their dogs. Native Police troopersof passengers boarding the plane while Charles Kingsford under Sub-Inspector James Gilmour from the ThargomindahSmith walks beside it. Also Vol.1 No.1 April 1939 first edition barracks were sent out along Coopers Creek and massacred aof Radio and Hobbies in Australia. (3 items)group of Aboriginal people in retribution. $150250$6,00010,000'