b'123787REMUED brown and green glazed pottery vase with applied gumnuts and leaf,incised Remued with remains of original foil label,8.5cm high$150250 788REMUED green glazed pottery basket vase with applied gumnuts and leaf, incised Remued 194/12M26cm high x 30cm wide$400600 789REMUED brown and green glazed pottery basket vase with applied gum leaf and branch handle,incised Remued,17cm high$100200 790REMUED green glazed pottery vase with branch handle, 781incised Remued and bearing original foil label,26cm high 792 793$250350REMUED brown and green glazedREMUED green glazed pottery jug 791 pottery jug with applied gumnuts, leafwith applied gumnuts, leaf and branch and branch handle, handle,REMUED group of five assorted potteryincised Remued, 118M, incised Remued, with remains of vases, including an unusual early11cm high original foil label,shaped example, $25035011cm highthe largest 12cm high (5) $250350 $150250 782 784'