b'19413591358 1360 1361ARTIST UNKNOWN, RUPERT CHARLES WULSTENEMANUEL PHILLIPS FOX (untitled portrait of a woman), BUNNY (1864-1947), (attributed), (1865-1915),pastel on paper, Autumn Landscape,(double-sided portrait of a 40 x 29cm, 60 x 49cm overall (French landscape), woman),$120200oil on canvas. oil on cedar panel37 x 53cm, 55 x 71cm overall. 40 x 23cm, 55 x 38.5cm overall.1359 Sold by Leonard Joel Fine Art Auction,PROVENANCEPERCEVAL (PERCY) CHARLES8th August 2000, lot 242 and titledPrivate Collection Melbourne.LINDSAY (1870-1952), Autumn Landscape, this painting wasThis unfinished sketch is believed to accompanied by a letter of authenticitybe related to The Letter which is Railway Bridge, (now lost), signed, and dated 1stillustrated on page 154 in Ruth Zubans oil on canvas, February, 1912, by Mr Rupert CharlesCatalogue Raisonn E. Phillips Fox. His signed lower left Percy Lindsay, Wulsten Bunny, an extract reads asLife and Art. [ISBN 0.522.84653.X]. Kozminsky Galleries stamp and notationfollows, I was very sorry to haveCatalogue No. 306-303. Page 225verso, missed the opportunity of signing the 41 x 55cm, 60 x 74cm overall. little landscape you have of mine and$1,2002,000 am writing this so that you can paste PROVENANCE the signature to the back. The letter Deutscher-Menzies, Lot 164,of authenticity was documented in 29th November, 2000 Leonard Joel art catalogue, 8th August $2,0003,000 2000, this painting can be found on-line A.A.S.D. Australian Art Sales Digest website.PROVENANCEPrivate Collection Melbourne.$3,0005,000 '